How long will cut potatoes keep?

Grantsville, UT(Zone 5a)

Reds and Yukons
The potato patch is almost ready for planting so I cut my seed potatoes yesterday since the weather was going to be nice for a few days. Well, now its going to rain until next Monday or so. There is clay beneath the 1 ft. deep rows/ditches so that will hold rain water. Don't want them to rot.

Question: How long will the cut potatoes keep in a brown paper bag until I can plant them in drier soil? Keep them out in the air in bags or in the cellar?


Keep them in the shade until they scab over. Move to dry storage as soon as they scab over. They will keep quite some time....weeks....if kept in dark and with air circulation not in a bucket or plastic bag.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ditto what docgipe says. I think I'd get them out of the paper bag so they have better air circulation. (I have my second planting patiently waiting in a big cardboard box, cut and ready to go once the ground dries a bit.)

I don't know how many you are planting, Pioneerwoman, but if you have room in your garage (or the like) you can lay them out in single layers in indirect light and allow them to "chit". Not only will that give you the needed aeration but will also help their eyes to start growing, giving you a bit of a head start with their growth.

Happy tater growing!


Grantsville, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the replies and the suggestions. I will move the taters to the garage and layer them in a box today. Hope the weather forcast changes again :)

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