Azaleas Not Blooming?

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

I apologize for being out of touch on Dave's Garden for a while, we just moved few months ago and it's been crazy between the move and getting the other house ready.

Anyhow, this house has several large Azalea brushes up front of the house. The house faces east, so the plants get full sun. The Azaleas didn't not bloom this spring, there may be one or two buds but still no flowers. It's a mature landscape, and the Azaleas been nicely trimmed to about 3-4 feet high. I was thinking it's planted in the wrong spot (being in full sun) but then the same Azalea bush in north of the house also had no bloom, not a single one! I also thought perhaps it's the soil in bad condition, it dose not appear to be ever amended. Any ideas or suggestions?


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Perhaps someone trimmed the Azaleas too late in the year and pruned off the forming flower buds. Azaleas need to be pruned immediately after flowering to avoid losing the next year's flowers. This seems likely since they would have been spucing up the yard to put the house on the market. Also, some azalea varieties bloom a little later than others.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey again. Mine are behaving a little weird too. Some bushes are bursting with color, but then one right next to it is just barely starting to bud out. And my large hybid is usually the first to bloom and it is just barely starting to open too. Like I said weird. Glad it's not just me.

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Azaleas are not doing well this year generally. Ours bloomed but not as much as last year and several of our neighbors have had no blooms at all. A friend went to the Masters this week and said even their famed display wasn't as good as usual. Our extension agent says that last years drought is to blame.

This message was edited Apr 11, 2008 9:01 AM

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

Danita I think you're right in the sense I noticed the top of the plants that's heavily trimmed have no buds. Now the side branches are showing a few lately. My previous azaleas are short variaties and I never had to trim, glad to learn the trick of timing for trimming.
3 Gardners and Artgal, now I hear this problem is bit wide spread due to drought, I don't feel as bad. Thank you for all your replies.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

yes trimmed ones wont bloom . and also the drought and cold snap too doesnt help that we had back in febuary.

its just not a good year for things from the drought. i have already lost a mimosa tree and 3 altheas and a few other plants. its just a blah year.

Thomson, GA

My Mimosa and all but one of my azaleas died too. :( My daylilies and liliums are going gangbusters, though, and my dogwoods never looked better! Go figure.

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello, Guardians! I wondered if you were still here!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

What a disappointing year for azaleas!! Had sporadic bloom on a few pinks and reds, lots on the white ones which look pitiful after the blooms are gone, very few on the purples. Must have been the late cold plus drought, although I was careful to keep mine watered last year........we're fortunate to have a well.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Strange, on the coast we had a pretty good year for azaleas. I would say drought is the problem and if the azaleas get pruned to late they won't bloom. They should be trimmed up right after blooming.

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