What's your hardiest clematis?

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I am waiting for my clemmies to give me my first show, and yet I'm just so addicted to them just from the anticipation! As I look through all the different varieties, I find myself wanting each and every one!

But I know that our intense summers here can be hard on some of these guys. So, tell me which varieties you've had the best luck with - which ones can take the extremes and keep on blooming?

Who's your "old-reliable" clematis?

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Jackmanii, too.

(Zone 4a)

Well I haven't had clematis that long - maybe 3 years but the one who has done the best ever since I put it in the ground was The President. Even the first season I planted it - it bloomed like crazy and it really grew!

Sherrill, NY(Zone 5a)

This is my 3rd year with Jackmani and I dont see any new shoots coming up yet. Is it too early? I hate to think I lost it.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Did you cut the shoots from last year back to the ground?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Mary..you are further north so your clematis should be waking up soon..don't worry...hardiest?...The viticellas aka pruning group 3's are the most vigorous...Jeanne

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I agree with Jeanne my viticellas and viticella crosses are all leaf budding already.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Nelly Moser is in full bloom right now. Negritianka grows happily on a south facing wall.

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