The FLOWERPOT Cafe' IX - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

london England, United Kingdom

Save some for me please! Candee, it looks really delicious. Love the colours and the whipped cream with stocks is genius! The straws add lovely detail, are they bluebells? it's great. Thank you.

now Star don't be greedy, lets have a slurp!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, thanks so much on my first concoction attempt w/o alcohol!!! LOL
Terri you are so right, blue bells I believe are the straws, will have to post a pic of the whole plant as I kind of forget but have lots of them. The umbrella is leaves of bleeding hearts, tried using a parrot tulip, but was too large. Inside the glass is crushed ice mixed with red azalea and pink salvia petals. The stock make a good cream topping.
Thanks again and thanks again for giving me such a welcome to this forum - I just am having such good time with all of you.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Candee, that was great! I too thought it was real until I took a closer look. The "cream" looks soo creamy and real! Well made!
Hello Star, Hello Terri, I love the Stocks Terri. I'll get a closer look at your oiled leaf, but if I look now, I'll lose my post! So as per usual, another gorgeous bunch of pics! I guess I'll have to wait for the next cocktail. C'mon bar tender!
Too dark here for me now to get flowers or pics, and possibly getting dark when I get home tomorrow too, but as soon as I can, I will be making the shots! Was it Karma who did the test tubes? Or was it Adele? I can't remember. And Bartender, I want alcohol in mine!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue - You guys been doing shots behind my back???????? LOL I'll have to see if I can come up with another since you enjoyed the strawberry daiquiri so much.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Candee, So glad you found us on this forum. It's great that you join in with the fun of making things! As we all know, even when we get frustrated with what we are making at times, it's the 'making' that is the fun part!.
Hope you get time to make some more, the flowerpot crowd are always thirsty!!

Star, remember waaaaaaayy back, you had some champagne glasses? good excuse to get them out. LoL!!

Sue, It was YOUR idea to make cocktails!!!!!! cheek of it calling for the bartender LOL! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make for us!! I remember the test tubes they were wild! I will let the person who made them identify themself.. hahaha!
Lovely brom, gorgeous hot colour, thanks for bringing that one in.

Anyone fancy a LARGE one? or you can share, it has many straws!
Cheers! ^_^

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, I didn't get home till after dark, and again tomorrow aswell, so I can't have any cocktails til friday, which is great because I can sleep in on saturday. I promise I'll play bartender then! hopefully there will still be some alcohol left!
Whats in the large one Terri, it looks like it will make me "forget" or not! Have you got a name for it?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I just had a sip and it is a very STRONG mint julip! Please help me as there is no way I can finish this myself.

Friday cocktails sound wonderful to look forward to. I don't do "shots" well so just keep that in mind when you bring them out - I have danced on a lot of tables and I sure would not want to break anything in the cafe (not too concerned about the tables - more about my legs) LOL!

Humansville, MO

here have a drink
tulip wine ?

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much Elle, that is very "sweet" of you. I just had a sip and it is just like that pink zinfandel that I like so much! I will likely finish this off myself before anyone else arrives today, so thanks again.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, Candee and elle,

Sue, It's called mint julip! with aloe vera straws. What time does it go dark where you are?
The evenings are getting lighter here, not going dark until after 8pm.
I'm looking forward to your cocktails!!!!

Candee, Good idea you not having any shots, we don't want the call the cyber ambulance to our cafe!!!!!

elle, Thankyou fot the tulip wine, it looks very delicate with the lovely pink tulips. Candee drank it all so I didn't get to try it! We have to be quick around here!

I mave made 3 cocktails to keep you going until the rest turn up!
They don't have names, you'll just have to try them and see what they taste like!
I have lots of boring housework jobs to do now, so will go and get busy.
Have a good day where you are..

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

First I made a wish since I see you posted those right at 11:11 a.m.
The pink/red one is surely a seabreeze and you did a splendid job, I just had a sip as I am still tipsy from the tulip wine.
The De Kuyper Blue Curaçao makes a lovely cocktail on the left, but I am not much into rum so better leave that one for Sue.
Is that another mint julip in the center, but with a bit more alcohol than the last one you made me.
Great bartender Terri, keep them coming.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi candee,Thanks! I'm just having a break from my chores!!
Funny, it says 4.11pm on my computer! and you posted at 5.46pm.
So you haven't even had lunch yet LoL!!! liquid lunch today is it?!!
Maybe you should have some springtime juice to sober up a bit!!!!
I'll be back later to check on you! .....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, very coollllll! What is that stuff curled up for the straws? I like that a lot.
LOL, won't be the first lunch that was all liquid!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh, glad you liked that one, Thanks. The curled up fronds are from a fern in the garden.
Thought I'd better make a fresh pot of tea for the tea drinkers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah, I knew they looked familiar LOL, I believe I just saw a couple of them popping up in my shade area.
Lovely "spot" of tea you have provided.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee! Hello all,
I'm out tonight, going to a gig to watch my daughters band play.
Have fun with the cocktails!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

and a few snacks! Have a nice weekend.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh I want to go see the band! I've been sipping all the marvelous cocktails and I want to boogie! Guess i'd better stay here and have some of Terris delicious tea. Now that its cold, I might add some gin and ice to it!
I made a russian cocktail for you all. don't ask me whats in it, but it will blow your sox off!
I kinda pinched Candees idea, but alas have no ice, so i had to top it up with more Vodka. It has a very aniseed aroma! Yummmm!
It's getting dark here around 5pm now, and I used to get home around 2pm, but have been so busy. Now I finish work and dash to the shops or whatever, and when i get home, it's straight inside to close curtains and put the gas heater on. I do have a fireplace, but am feeling lazy this year, and haven't colllected the firewood. I might gather some tomorrow and leave it on the veranda. the fire has such a nice atmosphere.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, Terri, you look pretty snazzy all dressed up and you have somewhere to go! The appetizers look too good to sample, I'll wait till somebody else has a few.
Sue, how chilly is it getting there? I love a fireplace, we converted ours to gas a couple years ago as hauling the wood got to be too much for Steve and he didn't want me doing it either?
That Russian vodka about does knock my socks off, whew head spinning after one sip, but is is some goooood stuff.
Curl up and keep your toes warm and careful with that booze, don't want you stumbling round in the dark!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Candee, its probly not as cold as you get, but it gets down to about 5 degrees celcius here, although its only been down as low as 7 this year. Its been a sudden fall in temps though, and I haven't had time to aclimatise yet. Apparently it was the coldest day in April for 25 years! It doesn't usually get cold until after Mothers Day which is this weekend.
We have a gas heater aswell as the woodfire, so as DH is not home often and I don't like to chop wood, I use the heater mostly.
When I had finished the cocktail, I put the remainding flower heads in a bucket to go on the compost, then later as I was chopping a pineapple and adding the peel to the bucket, I got the most wonderful mix of aromas, as the pineapple mingled with the aniseed/licorice smell of the Tarragon. It was beautiful! I'll make a pineapple and Tarragon cocktail for desert I think.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue and Candee,Thankyou!
Lovely cocktails Sue, I enjoyed that one!
We had a May day holiday yesterday, so it was a nice long weekend and the weather has been lovely and warm here. Back to work today and it's still sunny! DH has turned the heating off so I guess it's summer!!!!!!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue I can almost smell that aroma wafting way over here. Sounds scrumptious.
Welcome to summer Terri. When you get a chance I finally got a few tulips to add to your tulip time theme. We must really be behind the bloom time here. I work about 40 minutes from home in a southerly direction and am always amazed at how things are in full bloom down there and still in buds at home.
Our property is quite well protected with trees and such and although we get plenty of sunlight my garden is always a few weeks behind the rest of the neighborhood. Works well as I get to enjoy everyyone else's gardens for a short time before I start enjoying our own.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, I had a quick look and you did a fantastic job with the tulips.
Got to dash, going to be late for work, back later!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Got ya, thanks and have a great day!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi all. Hope everyone is ok?

The cafe is still open......... where are you?
busy flower people Lol!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

been raining and working
off this weekend might get some thing then
green house

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, everything is coming on well in your greenhouse, are they tomatoes in the little pots?
I must start my tomatoes this weekend, and everything else! I have been so busy clearing my vegetable plot, there's been no time to sow seeds yet.
I hope you have a nice weekend off work and the weather is good for you.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Elle, you are really being busy by the looks of it? What all do you have there in your greenhouse?
Terri, you really did get some display of poseys didn't you?
We are back in the rain mode again so just doing things inside. I did manage to get a couple new plants in the ground yesterday and still have 2 more campanulas to put in and then just sit back and watch them grow LOL!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Just stopping by to drop off this bouquet of orchids I cut just before leaving Fl. It's a heartbreaker, but my dil enjoys them for a month or more.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Went into orchid withdrawel so had to get my fix by buying a new plant at the Wal-Mart in Owensboro. Had to really search but love this little beauty. Looks like it was handpainted.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mittsy, those are gorgeous, I can see why you don't want to leave them. Looks like you found a nice replacement, but think your DIL got a great deal!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Mittsy, Nice to hear from you again, long time! Lovely Orchids, hope to see you posting more.

Hi candee, All the flowers I recieved were lovely. Hope the weather is fine for you over the weekend, are you going to your cabin?

Have a good weekend all.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Terr.. You sound as bad as me. Had to have the groudn tilled twice cuz the weeds and grass started growing back in the one section for veggies. Got all my transplants in small pots and they definately not liking it, but seems there just not enough time to do everything.

Beautiful Orchids Mitssy! Thanks for sharing yours. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, Don't think you are as bad as me. I can't find my seeds!! I have searched the house and greenhouse.....
I know I put them somewhere safe LoL!
Would you like to have your coffee outside today? I just made a fresh pot.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Mmmm, thanks terri, thats just what I needed!
Hi Star, hows your weather these days?
Hi Candee, pull up a chair and have a coffee with us, what about you Elle, have you got time for a cuppa? And Mittsy, beautiful orchids. Are you on holiday?
Lets find a sunny spot and just chillax

Humansville, MO

yep today i off
i would like a cup of coffee
before i go to work in the green house
happy mother day to all

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue and elle, glad you are enjoying your coffee and the weather is fine to sit outside!

Sue, you deserve a rest! your floral display for the Chelsea flower show 'forces of nature' is superb, I love it!
elle, What are you growing in your greenhouse?

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mums! Hope you are being pampered today, you deserve it.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

we have tomatoes, green pepper ,flower do not know what kind yet.
and other thing to put in the ground
here mother day plant

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Arrived back in NY. Lots of yard work to do. Narcissus are blooming and the lilac are in bud. The Solomon's seal is especially pretty right now. But the weeds, OMG they have outdone themselves. Dandelions are everywhere. I will have to find my teapot an make an arrangement. They must be good for something!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle and Mittsy,
Pretty mothers day plant elle. Sounds like you are busy with your planting.

It would be nice to have some dandilion tea on the menu Mittsy, hope you find your teapot!
I have a few dandilions to put in the pot also. Lol!

Where is everyone these days? I'm missing you all!

Thumbnail by terriculture

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