The FLOWERPOT Cafe' IX - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, If it gets hot in here we can always take our drinks out and sit in the cafe garden!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Is that your house garden Terri? I didn't know you could force the carnations either Candee, else I might have had a go when I got my supermarket bargains! Well done on recognising the Peonies Terri! I would not have recognised them. I have never grown them either.
Do post us a pic when they're in flower Elle.
Hellloooooo Andrew! Is that egg nog you're drinking, or maybe an Irish coffee, hmmmmmm?
Hey Adele, hows the club garden going? Blue potatos, are they really blue? Gosh, so much to learn.
Blink,oh, Tracis gone!
Lets have a cocktail night one night next week! What do you say, a bit of wine and cheese and some horses douvers?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, yes blue potatoes are bluish in color. They look real pretty in potato salad, but not so great to me for mashed potatoes!
I have one stand of bushy peonies and two oriental tree peonies, there is a distinct difference when you look for some Sue so if you think of getting some check out the different varieties first.
Was nice of Traci to skip in if only for a moment, sure she will have a story upon her return!

Edited to say, Terri that carnation bowl on the outside table is quite inviting.

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 7:43 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just a little something for the wall over the counter, can you see it from where you are sitting?

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thats beautiful Candee! Terri must be busy at the allotment! I can't wait to see what shes done this time!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'll bet she is still getting goodies from those fine neighbors of hers. Hope she hasn't fallen asleep on that stool in her shed never to return?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Sue, Terri, Traci, Candee and Elle,
Yes Terri, My potatoes are finally chitted and in the dirt. I think blue potatoes look good and taste good in everything and ha,ha, ha Sue, Andrew does look a lttle smashed in that photo doesn't he?But he's not. The club garden is looking good, phlox and and daffodills are in bloom. I took some photos of it but they don't do the garden justice. How do you take a picture of a garden without it looking washed out?
Does anyone have a good way to get rid of Japanese knotweed. I tried round-up and it does nothing. I covered some with plastic and then wood chips over the plastic but I can't cover the whole club.
Candee, Did you like the coffee?:)The tulip is beautiful. How big is the photo?
I'm off to kill some knotweed,

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Candee, What do you think, Terri is like Rip Van Winkle?LOL

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Adele, I did indeed enjoy my morning sip of coffee. Sorry I could not stay and chat with Andrew very long, but was night to meet him and hope to see him at the cafe again. I am not sure of the size of the photo as Daves downsizes them to about 800 pixels when we upload them. I believe that is the size, would have to go check on that for sure.
Whenever I use RU I use the concentrate and mix myself and use at least twice what is called for. I have used boiling water to kill weeds in the past but that is kind of a nuisance if you have to cover a lot of territory.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

The reason why I asked about the size of the photo is because there is a watering can with flowers in the front of the tulip and I couldn't tell if it was a tiny can or the photo was huge. So I guess the can is tiny?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, sorry missed your point Adele. Actually it is a photo of the tulip and I framed it with a frame I made with a little watering can as part of the picture frame, it is not a part of the original photo. does that splain it?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Candee, LOL ,Yes,finally, I understand what I am seeing!
I'm going to do an experiment and try concentrated RU.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I think that every year the RU gets weaker in strength and higher in price?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! missed you too!!!!!!!!!! Rip Van Winkle! more like Mary Poppins!!

Sue, yes, thats part of my garden at home, quite scruffy, it does its own thing mostly!
Candee recognised the peonies, ........ just for the record! I think it's a good idea to have a cocktail night, look forward to wonderful creations!

Adele, can't wait for us to have blue potato salad on the menu! how exciting.
Sorry to hear you have the dreaded knotweed. Luckily I haven't had to deal with it in my garden. Sorry no help!

Candee, Wow love the art for the cafe! Thankyou, you did a great job, the frame is a really good idea.
Funny you all thinking I'm at my allotment!! never to return........ did I tell you about the time I lost my key on my plot and I was locked in? That was scary.

I'm bringing in a mosaic of a london bus one of the students did in the mosaic class. He allowed me to take a photo of it.
Have a good evening all!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

HiTerri! Excellent bus.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow and Double Wow!!!! Looks like folks have really been busy.

Just got home and it a cool 92F in this trailer so if ya all don't mind, I gonan forgo coffee and help myself to one of them cool refeshing looking drinks up there. Very inviting they are.

Warning ya right now with it being os hot in here , don't leave your drinks laying around cuz ya just might come back and find them empty that how thirsty I am at the moment.

Don't fulyl understand how that tulip phot go tmade, but sure is cool to see.

I ain't never gonna get no flowrs if they don't open up more than one flower at a time. I got my my first and only calla lily bloom. Just got one, so can't cut it yet.

Blue potatoes cool. Are they the ones that are just blue on the outside and white inside or blue all the way through. Ya they do make an intersting color out of the potaoes, the problem is tryign to get the taste buds to realize that they are a potao and not somethign icky.

So where at on seasons aroudn the world here. Finally our last frost is over and up in the 80's. Maybe now somethign will grow.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's a picture of blue potatoes.
Aren't they fun?

Thumbnail by diggerette
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

How cool, Adele. I found blue potato vine on google. Not the same, right?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Flowerpot friends!

Hope you are all chillaxing this weekend.
Love those blue potatoes, don't fancy them mashed though!

I made 3 bucket arrangements with garden flowers for the cafe today. Using garden foliage, honesty, forget me nots and kerria. It seems I have plenty of these flowers but not much else to cut.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Those are gorgeous Terri! Love the variegated foliage. The colors are beautiful. . .I don't think you need anything else!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Terri, those are just beautiful. I think you should open a florist shop, as you have so much talent and flair! I reckon someone ought to give you an honorary certificate of floristry!
(Is that a bit over the top Terri?) LOL.
I haven't heard of Kerria. Which one is that?
I haven't seen Honesty in ages! I don't think it grows around here.
Oh and if your wondering why I'm at the cafe, I'm here for lunch! Whats on the menu?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Terri.... Those arrangements are stunning!!!!!!!!!! Wow. wish they was sittign on my kitchen counter right now.

yes, please me too, what is Kerria?

london England, United Kingdom

Helllllllllllo , Thanks everyone, you are all too kind!
The Kerria Japonica is the yellow balls.I have been trying to make a hedge with it, this year it has filled out more.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

We have seasonal soup on the menu today!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Seasonal buffet!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A fresh pot of tea.

Hope everyone has a good week and the weather is good where you are!

Shall we make cocktails for the cafe this week?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Love those japonica balls, Terri, hope it makes the barricade you wish for. I agree, you should be a professional, some florist shop is missing its mark by not having you and your ideas as they are outa this world fabulous. I am enjoying the snacks you put out and will await the cocktail later in the week.

Your buckets look fab and you inspired me to go out and get some forget me nots for one of my beds, as I have not had them before.

I think the blue taters are great in salad but agree that mashed they are a bit off for my taste. But they are tasty.

london England, United Kingdom


Thankyou Candee, I'm blushing with all the compliments, Why is everyone being so nice today? LOL!
It would be good to work with flowers everyday and get paid, maybe one day!
It's great fun playing shop here though!
I hope you have time to join in with making cocktails this week? At least in a glass we don't need so many flowers.
If the forget me nots survive your summer, you will have them forever, good luck!
Say Hi to Steve (our DJ) hope he is doing well.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve our DJ is doing fine, I'll tell him you say "hey"! As a DJ he is fabulous but his dancin days are well behind him!
I put the forget me nots in a partially shaded area and will cross my fingers.
I am always ready for a cocktail, will see what I can do. I do have more flowers blooming now. It is rain again today, figures I washed my car on Sat.)

Humansville, MO

hi all
no flower here right now
just got up
i would love to have some tea
it cool here today
hope the sun find us soon

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there elle - We are back in the rain mode here as well. I was able to do some transplanting over the weekend and got some annuals in my patio pots so have accomplished something. I also got my hymenocallis ismene in the pots so the rain will be welcome for their beginnings as well as the dahlias in pots.

Enjoy your tea and join us at the cafe for some cocktails later if you can.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle and Candee, April showers here again today!

Hows it going elle, do you work nights over the weekend? Hope you can find a few flowers for a cocktail. We are all looking forward to some sunshine by the sound of it.

Are they daylilies Candee? What colours do you have? The forget me nots like it wet, so they are getting a good start with your rain helping out!
Glad to hear Steve is fine and all is well.

Heres a simple arrangement, grouping colours together..

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Stocks, Alstromeria, Aspidistra leaf, choisyia (sp)?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Long wait yet for any daylilies. I think you have the greenest leaves I have ever seen Terri. They are actually shining? I have some little things in bloom, and a lovely red azalea so will see what I can come up with. I got a few annuals the other day so perhaps can incorporate them into something?
I really like the blues and yellows together, makes the arrangement reallly "pop"!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks! It's just a little vegetable oil wiped over the leaves to give them a shine!

I don't have any Azaleas, so that would be a treat to see yours!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Who would have thought, YOU of course! You are so clever and here I thought they just had a "natural glow" about them ^_^.
No azaleas? Don't do well over there or what?

london England, United Kingdom

LOL!! Sometimes the leaves just look 'dull' and need some attention, especially if they are a focal point.
Azalea and my soil don't like each other! My Mum lives 250miles away in Liverpool and she has some lovely ones! I have had them growing in pots in the past, but dont have them anymore! I seem to kill them!!!!!! plenty more fish in the sea, or flowers in the garden, I should say, you can't have them all!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

My mother had a green thumb with azaleas and so does my MIL they are huge and gorgeous. Mine after years and years are pretty but quite small. This year I have been dumping them with the coffee grounds and that helps a lot.

I hope whoever drops in for a cocktail and has this strawberry daiquiri is not too thirsty, cause I am just making the one LOL, Terri how do you have the patience for some of these, first could not get it to do what I wanted and then could not get a decent photo. There are 2 straws in it if someone wants to share, but hurry as the ice has already begun to melt^_^

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is the whip cream of stock and a little dahlia from a former arrangement.

Thumbnail by haighr
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Look out folks.. I getting that second straw. LOL : ) Ya did a fantastic job on that. It looks so real at firt I thought ya had actually made a drink.

How do ya do somethign like that? Is that all from petals? And what are the straws made from? Don't recongize the type of blooms, but it sure is neat.

Slurp!!!!!!!!!! Slurp!!!!!!!!!! Slurp!!!!!!!!!! Yummy! ( burp... 'cuse me ;) )

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