The FLOWERPOT Cafe' IX - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi all. : ) Hope everybody doing ok. Been a wild several days with keepign stuf ff rom freezing and managed to keep most alive.

Cool, wish I coudl go to the show itself. Just wish it didnt cost so much to fly. You gonan go to it Terrri?

Humansville, MO

hi all
miss being here
i work night 10 pm to 6 am
all i do right now is sleep and go to work
miss all of you elle

Coffs Harbour, Australia

uh-oh. Somehow I unwatched thread! I wondered why it was all quiet.
I love the Macro pics Candee and Pupil! Yeah, it did look like a Lion.
You'll be busy planting and playing I guess pupil?
Hey Terri, nice fondue. Do you know, I've never had one before!
I picked up 3 bunches of Carnations today, for $3 a bunch! They aren't bad, no shrivelling or brown spots or anything, and still some unopened buds! Bonus! I put them back in my Ch-urn. If I get a chance, i will take a pic when it is daylight (Tomorrow)
Hey Terri, I forgot to say, loved you Sea shell arrangement. The black grass is Mondo, (Ophiopogon Nigra) The Hellebores look nice. They frustrate me, in that they are always looking down! I should plant some in a tree.
O.k, off to make dinner for three and have a wash!
See you tomorrow.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Star, Glad to hear you and your plants are ok! I am going to the show with my SIL, it's her first time, we are both really looking forward to it. Hope we have nice weather that week! fingers crossed.

elle, I miss everyone too when the cafe is quiet! Those hours are tough, can't imagine working all night and sleeping all day. You can always call in here for a cuppa!

Sue, Thanks on the seashell arrangement. Glad you were able to tell me the name of the grass. I was going to ask if anyone knew what it was called! do you know if I should plant it in the sun or shade?
what frustrates me more than Hellebore hanging down is that Abuilton (sp)? Lovely flowers, but you just can't see them!
Lovely sunny yellow flower you brought to the cafe, Thankyou. Enjoy dinner!
Looking forward to seeing your Carnations next!
Think I may go flower shopping tomorrow, just haven't got enough to use from the garden yet.

Cheers all ! ........

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sun or shade on that mondo Terri. fogot to photograph carnations, doh!~
Going down the pub for tea tonight! yummmm!

Humansville, MO

hi all
i will have a cup of tea please
cream and sugar
i was off yesterday and today
i feel human now
i go back saturday night
my husband got the garden in
hope to be outside for awhile
see you soon elle

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Bargain basement carnations

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Looking down on them.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue , Thanks on the Mondo! funny name.

Hi elle, nice you had some time off work, hope you saw some some sunshine in your part of the world. Enjoy your tea!

Thanks for the carnations Sue, Lovely and cheerful, think I'll put them on my table at the cafe, y'know the one by the window! Haha.
Going to the pub for dinner? ...... trying to get out of cooking again were ya?!!!!!!!!

Have a nice weekend all, going to watch Liverpool now.... the mighty reds!
singing... You'll never walk alone............

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

we are still cool here
but we are going to get a little warmer this weekend
still wet
i was enjoying the day until they call and ask me to go i
and i went in 6pm to 2 am
i love the flower
working this why i do not get to get any thing fore my
they are asking for me to come back
hope every one have some sun this this weekend

london England, United Kingdom

........just chillaxing today..........

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Terri, just dropping in for a wonderful cup of floral tea! Thanks fro having it ready for me, you must have read my mind. Where is everyone? Hello, hello, hello, can you hear me, hear me, hear me?
Geeeze Terri, theres an echo in here! We need more flowers to create some ambience. I guess as the weather warms people spend more time in their gardens, or outside enjoying like! HOW DARE THEY!
Hi Elle. Sorry you have to work so much. What is it that you do?
Aechmea 'Benrathi'

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning Everyone!!,
Came by for a quick hello. I don't have time for tea but how about a shot of moonshine from jughead?

Thumbnail by diggerette
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Good day all, hot tiring weekend behind me and just rain today so no gardening much going on. Love the moonshine, but I best stay away from that as back to work tomorrow.
Elles, sure sounds like you have a tiring job, hope you can enjoy some spare time. Nice to see you back we missed you.
Sue that is a beauty and your bargain crysanthemums are wonderful. Such great colors.
I didn't even start any seeds inside this year, but have a lot of what I harvested last year and need to get them outside pretty soon and in the ground.
I did find a new little pineapple sprouting this morn so will enjoy that development.

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

good moring
i just got up
i work in a nurseing home
i an cmt (pass pill ) and a cna
i do more cna work now since our nurseing home use nurse to do pill
i love my job it just the hour they put me on
i going outsideto enjoy the sun
see every one
thak-you all
for the nice word hope to have picture soon

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

By all means go enjoy some sunshine when you can. Pouring rain here all day long. Enjoy your day and post soon Elle.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Just found out it's Karma's Birthday.... a new thread was started, sorry I missed it earlier!
Hope you'll all join me in wishing Karma our fantastic floral designer a very "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

Sue, As if by magic the flowers appeared! Love the vibrant colours of hot pink and purple together, that is a beautiful plant. Thanks for bringing it in.

Helllllllllloooo Adele! Nice to see you in the cafe. Your jug of moonshine is a great idea! Thankyou. What are the lovely flowers?

Candee, I missed you! Lovely to see a new real pineapple growing, you are so lucky with your pineapples! I will have to start yet another one, they always seem to rot at the early stage. Maybe this time of year it will be better for me? Yours looks so healthy, Thankyou.

Elle, Hope you got some rays today!

Hope you had a lovely day Karma!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Birthday cocktail for the Birthday girl!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

and another concoction, Cocktails on the house tonight everyone! Cheers Karma!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Enjoy the snacks, tuck in.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Sorry to be a party pooper! but it's gone 1.30am here and I'm back to work in the morning.
Goodnight all and have fun!

"Happy Birthday to you..... dear Karma, Happy Birthday to you!"

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Sorry I missed you Terri! Thanks for everything. Leaving you some flowers.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Whoopee! Colour and flowers and cake and candles. Happy birthday Karma!
Moonshine Adele! Yeeeeeeeeee-ha!
Candee, I love the variegated pineapple, gonna have to get me one of those! My pineapple is now about 8" and still growing. I bought a fresh one today so that I can plant the top and start a new one!
Hi Karma, flowers for us on your birthday! Thats a turn around! Beautiful colour in those roses eh?
Terri, it all looks so scrum-diddly-umptious. Where to start, a piece of cake? or maybe a cocktail! Mmmmm, its after dinner for me, so........Go the cocktail! Yeeeeee-ha!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

A big HAPPY Birthday to you Karma. Sure hope you had a splendid day and enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for sharing your day with us and making us an arrangement. You are just special.
Terri, you can really throw a party. You just never cease to amaze me with your delights. I will surely have a cocktail and a horve durve they look yummy.

london England, United Kingdom


Hi karma! Hope you had a good Birthday. Thankyou for the gorgeous roses, love that colour. A real treat for anyone sitting at that table!

Sue, scrum diddly umptious.hahaha! You are a case! Thanks.
So you haven't had fondue? not even chocolate fondue with kiwi, strawberry and banana
slices to dip in the warm melted chocolate?!!!! ...........

Candee, Glad you got here in time, and there was some goodies left for you! Thankyou
for your lovely comments. I hate to miss anyones Birthday and we always seem to find out at the last minute or on the day! I need to make some fresh cakes to have in store, just incase!

Please keep bringing in table arrangements for our cafe, we love fresh flowers in here!
Back later with some flowers. Time to cook! .......

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see what you have cooked up Terri. I have never had fondue either, guess I am not much of a dippy person ^_^.

london England, United Kingdom

Are you calling me dippy? LOL!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, if you like the dippin thing then what can I tell ya? ^_^ Must admit I do like my eggs dippy so guess I am that way as well. Probably no worse fate than being a "dippy blonde" LOL!

Humansville, MO

look like spring had come
the yard need mowing
here what i seem out side today

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

and here

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

hii elle, Who does the mowing at your place, you or your hubby? Someone has alot of mowing to do!! What is that plant with the stones around it? Have a good night a work.

These Carnations were the only decent flowers at the supermarket today. They were all closed, it took me half an hour to gently manipulate them open.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I didn't have any foliage so just used ceramic bowls to make a 3 tier arrangement. Breakfast?!!

See you tomorrow! Have a Happy day.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thats beautiful Terri, reminds me of a chocolate fouintain, only with carnations!
Funny about dippy. DH and I went on a holiday once and when we ordered breakfast at a little cafe, the waitress asked DH how he wanted his eggs? He said "semi-dippy" LOL
She wanted to know if he wanted them fried, poached or scrambled! I laughed all the way home!
Hi Elle, mmmmmmm, big job!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I think Elle has some peonies popping up there. LOL Sue, we had the same experience once years ago when travelling to Florida. When you say dippy eggs down south they look at you like you dropped from another planet.
Terri, what do you mean you opened the carnations? Wow, you have the patience of a saint if you did that yourself. I would have stuck them in water and crossed my fingers! At any rate it is a lovely tiered display.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning Everyone!!,
Coffee anyone? My friend Andrew and I are going to plant blue potatoes today.
Happy Flowers,

Thumbnail by diggerette
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Morning Adele, I'll have a sip with you. Nice to meet you Andrew. So how do you like the blue potatoes? I have never had them but have heard they are quite a nice addition for potatoe salad as they give it some color?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

zoooooommmmm.........Be back after Thursday!! Sorry I have been missing out on everything!! Catch up then!

Love to all,

Humansville, MO

hi all
they are peonies which are pink
it about 13 year old
what are blue potatoes
i had yesterday off

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Sue and Candee. I opened the carnations while half watching rubbish on t.v.!

Hi Adele and Andrew, welcome to our cafe! Good luck with your blue potato planting! Are they chitted?

Tracccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccci Hello. we missed you!

elle, It looks like a huge clump of peonies, can't wait to see them in flower.
Hope you had a nice day off.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You will have to post when they bloom Elles. I have tree peonies, not quite the same as what you have. That is beautiful Terri, so much blooming all over!

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