Do i cut back Sweet Autumn now or no

Harleysville, PA

I have a 4 year old Sweet Autumn clematis and never cut her back. Do I do it now and how much if I do. She is 4 years old and blooms nice in the fall every year.. this was her size last year and it was perfect but how do i keep her this way??

Thumbnail by jess2132000
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Leave it alone! You Never HAVE to cut them down. It is recommended to increase blooms at a lower
place on the plant! I would NOT cut this plant unless you find it losing it's ability to put out the flower capacity!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Sweet Autumn" clematis (terniflora) should be hard pruned..It is a pruning group 3

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes it can be but it does not have to be! I prune mine only every other year hard. maybe I am mistaken but I have it covering an arbor and I like to keep it that way!! It does not reach it's full height in one season.
So I do not cut it to the ground every year. Do you think I am making a mistake?
Maybe it is not suited to it's aspect? Or do you find they will grow to full height in one year from a hard prune?
Mine has been in place 8 years. It only gets morning sun until noon.
What do you think?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Julie..they grow to be quite huge during a season..that is totally up to you could try one season to see what you think..everyone that I know hard prunes their...does it bloom all over? ..since you don't hard prune?...Jeanne

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I prune mine right down to about a foot off the ground. It is a monster. Grows up the side of the house and onto the garage....every single year!! I'm afraid if I didn't cut it down it would cover the house!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Well there you go! It blooms well but I only have one so I have nothing to compare it to. Ok this year and NEXT year I will prune and I will let you know if it blooms the same or no and If it gets as tall!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

jess: Pleasssse do your homework BEFORE planting this very invasive Clematis. Read all about it in PlantFiles.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Pruning group 86, with a shovel. It's a serious problem. And the amazing thing is nobody seems to find the seedlings in their own yard.

Harleysville, PA

Well I might try to cut it to a foot or two this year and see what happens. Last year I trimmed it to keep its shape. It really has not been any major problems yet and the birds do love it!! the problem is the birds have a nest in there now so I will have to be careful cutting it back and see what happens..I have seen only one or two vines reseed and i pull them out right away. I honestly have not had problems with this yet and do keep trimming it back over the summer to keep it smaller i just never cut it to a foot or two from the ground. It smells great in the fall!! if i pune it now would it still bloom in the fall??

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I just pruned mine this past is one tough cookie...

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Rabbits pruned mine to the ground several times when it was young. And yes, it did bloom again each year.

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