Help with ID

Saint Louis, MO

Can anyone tell me what this is? I've been pulling it for years and keeps springing up year after year and it's spreading. Thanks

Thumbnail by maxluke

Does it bloom pink? Can you get a closer image?

Saint Louis, MO

it does bloom pink. here is another picture

Thumbnail by maxluke
Saint Louis, MO

This is another picture

Thumbnail by maxluke

Thanks for trying to share a few additional photos.

Possibly a Coronilla.

Do any of the images at this site look familiar to you-

Saint Louis, MO

That's it. Thanks for your help. Looks like it's really hard to get rid of.

(sigh) Yes, crown vetch was difficult for me to remove but I got it.

There's a species management document I'd like you to read here-
You can view it in adobe or word.

Condensed version would be to never let C. varia go to seed. One of the reasons why it's become such a problem is because it reproduces both sexually and asexually. Hand pull as much as you can and try to work your hands down into the soil to get at as many rhizomes and roots as is humanly possible. Leave a piece behind, and it will come back. This is referred to as mechanical removal. Now that you've "hand weeded", wait for a span of a week or so when the air temps are going to be above 60 but below 80 and begin applying RoundUp to the new growth from a stamp licker bottle. Stay on top of the plants and dab all new growth as it emerges. Don't use concentrated RU, regular strength is fine. You will have a seed bank that will probably persist for a few years. If you familiarize yourself with what the seedlings look like, you may not need to use a chemical on them.

Holmes, NY(Zone 5b)

Uh oh! That looks a lot like what's coming up in the asparagus bed we've inherited with a farmhouse we bought last year. It reminded me of photos I'd seen of vetch, and I had this feeling I will need to be pulling it. I'm glad the soil is so good, makes pulling up the weeds not half so hard as here in all the clay. The "new" place has lots of weeds too: barberry, garlic mustard, ragweed, all sorts of stuff. ;-) And that's not counting the pretty weeds like purple deadnettle (I think that's right) and wild violets.

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