Michelia is sick, please help!

Palo Alto, CA


I think my Michelia is sick. I bought it from LA last Nov. When I brought it home in North California, the leaves had some brown spots. I thought that was due to the winter.... but now it is spring time here, the situation is not getting better or I should say it is even worse...

Usually the leave started with round brown spot and then spreading out and finally the leave dropped. I took the leaves to my local nursery and was told to give it more water.... but the situation seems to improve just a little bit.... I doubt it is something else... can anyone help me, please!!

Thank you very much.


Thumbnail by 2forgetmenot
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

this is not the place to ask your question. This forum is for problems with entering data into the BugFiles database.

We have a forum relating to Garden Pests and Diseases here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/pad/all/

If you post your question there, you may get some useful reponses,

BugFiles Administrator

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