Weight Loss Challange April 5th - 12th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

It is a beautiful day today. I've only stuck my head out to let the dogs out but it felt nice and the sun is shining. I'll be off to town pretty soon to see if WM or KM has the inexpensive paint I need that can be tinted for my kitchen cabinet doors. I'll take a door with me for matching.

We had 90 at the cafe' last night. That probably paid wages. Since they have cut my hours it helps them some too. I hear there are prospective buyers coming next week. I pray they come on really busy days and that there are lots of campers there then. It would help make a good impression. I would really like it if they are nice Christian people who would give me back some of my hours but leave me off on Sat. I could work another day during the week to make up for that pay.

I read an article the other day in a magizine that said we should stop using our scales because when we use them we relinquish our power over ourselves and give it to the scale. I'll give my scales the power to tell me if my eating and exercising has resulted in weight loss any day of the week. It was refusing to weigh myself or take what it showed seriously enough that landed me at 200# for years. Some of the tips in the mags I buy are quite good, others, like this one, are pure rubbish in my opinion. I didn't get to hear it, but on TV the other day there was going to be some talk about whether or not we really need to drink 64 oz. of water a day. Did any of you hear it? It was going to be on the medical part of some big national news program in the evening. The scale was kind to me this morning tho. 124#. I was wondering if I would ever seen such nice low numbers again.

I need to call and see if the young woman who cuts my hair is working today and if so what hours. WM doesn't take appointments & she has different hours each day it seems so I never know when she will be there. I'm in dire need of a hair cut.

Think of me, please, Vic while walking your mountain. I would love to be walking it with you. I have a feeling my hips would complain after just a couple trips but I would love the scenery and your companionship. I thought of you and Anna as I did my exercises this morning and how puny they are compared to what you girls do. I'm trying to increase the number of reps in each. I'll see how the old bod responds to that.

Susan, Sue, Pebble, Ally, Anna, Donna, Debbie, Tricia, and anyone else I missed I'll just say a prayer for each of you and wave ~~~~~~ for now.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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