Loving This Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

We are getting a really good downpour now. Planted some stuff last week (leeks cabbages some artichoke)

Can't wait to start planting tomatoes. I hear Lake Lanier has really improved. I need to escape from work and take a drive past there.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yea rain!!. Yesterday red and green cabbage went in, India and FL mustard seeded and spring turnips. Planted part of the tomato patch. Call me crazy but I like to harden them off and will risk frost. Got Scarlett O'Hara morning glories, four o'clocks, old fashioned tall zinnias and French marigolds seeded. Planted three of the ten $1.00 Lowes Easter lilies that are still blooming like crazy. Potential squirrel fodder (lol)? By that time the humidity was 110%, socks were mud red and I was soggy. We're socked in today...fog, rain and four wet smelly big dogs...so we gutted the upstairs bathroom.

I don't mind the rain except when there is a downpour, lightening or tornado during closing time! It makes bringing in the plant racks a challenge!

Nothing like dodging certain death!


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

GGG, What's going on with you? How's your fix ups, etc. Can I do anything, bring you any plants, need a day in the country? Dmail me.


Buford, GA

GGG- you have a plant shop/nursery? Where?
Rain good, flooding bad. 7:00 I was noticing lots of standing water as I was driving through Duluth. We have had a fairly wet Spring and God knows we need it. I just hope no one gets flooded. More rain on the way.
I was out planting in the yard yesterday when the sky opened up and dropped a boatload of rain on my head. DH thought it was v. funny. :P

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