Seed pods?

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

This is one of my first amaryllis. It's one of those box kits named 'Piquant Amaryllis'. It bloomed it's head off and now I have what I figure are seed pods. I was going to let it dry out and store for next year. So, how should I treat these? Appreciate all information. Thank you.

Thumbnail by seabreezy

You can use the search box over to the right to search for past discussions (not to be rude, but since no one responded) but I suggest sprouting them this season. You can't really leave them for next year and expect results at 100%. And they will need time to develop. They aren't annual flower seeds.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I was on here looking for info on seeds and here is a thread that I found.

Plant them soon or I can take some off your hands by sending you SASE. I also have a few amaryllis seeds I can send you for trade - Dmail me if you want.

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