Do You Recognize Me?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

This just sprang up (tall and large, I might add) in my iris bed. So far, I'm not having much luck in Hiding her. Any idea? All guesses welcome. : )

It's between cream and pale, pale, washed out yellow; light to med lavender markings; yellow beards
Slightly deeper lavender 'parts' (for lack of a more precise term) inside

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Another view. For now I'm calling [and labeling] her "Not a Clue".

Won't you please help her get a better name.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Lastly, here's a look inside "Not a Clue"

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

looks like some I have seen from comanche acres iris farm. I can't remember the name off hand but you might want to stroll thru their website

St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Very pretty and blooming already? Yeah! Can't wait for mine to start.


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Lovely. Sorry I can't be of help. I looked through my local grower's catalog and couldn't find it.

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

How about Patina? A few of the pictures listed in Dave's look similar

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

This was newly received in Fall 07 and planted late in Jan 08 so I'm surprised to see it blooming so nicely. I started thinking it should have a tag, so I went back outside and pulled the mulch back to dig for a label and managed to find one. Say! Otherwise, I'm not so sure if I would ever have figured out the ID. The name is:

Progressive Attitude

The ones in PF have falls that appear more white and stands that appear more blue/lavender so it might have been quite difficult to match this one up without that tag.

jackieshar, thanks for the help. I'm going to check out the iris farm you mentioned anyhow (to shop).

Laura, thanks. this was only my 3rd iris to bloom so far this year. Really not my favorite. I guess it probably looked better in the vendor photo as they so often do. It would be much prettier I think if the colors were a bit brighter and/or had more contrast between them. But, yes, it is nice to see the iris starting to bloom. Hope yours bloom soon.

Mrs_Ed, thanks for checking for me, and thanks for the link. (I can always use it to do more shopping. lol)

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

You are welcome. They have a good website and I use it a lot. I can't stand it when a site is difficult to navigate!!

PS, don't forget to add your picture to the database!!

This message was edited Apr 4, 2008 6:02 PM

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Now you know, Tntigger, that is a very interesting observation because several of the pics of Patina in PF look MORE like my iris than do the pics of Progressive Attitude. I definitely just dug up and pulled the tag off of it and it read Progressive Attitude but now am wondering if the grower may have made an error (or a substitute). I'll have to study the 2 a bit more but am inclined to agree with you that it sure looks quite similar to Patina. Either way yours is a very good guess.

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Scutler,
If this helps, has a pic of Progressive Attitude for you to see. It certainly looks like a match to me.

Greeneville, TN(Zone 6b)

They are so close,even the beards, Progressive Attitude is supposed to have a slight musky fragrance, that might help.

Lebanon, OR

Progressive Attitude in Oregon

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

WillIt_Grow and Irisloverdee,

Thanks for the extra pics and info. To be honest, no matter how many pics I looked at, these included, I could not entirely reconcile myself with the apparent differences esp in the stands where mine seemed to show so much more of the pale cream color and virtually every other pic showed more of the darker veining. Then this morning I found that, as though realizing my problem, my plant had put on a new bloom, this one having the darker stands with increased veining much like that shown in all of the pics of Progressive Attitude. Now, I finally feel better about calling it Progressive Attitude for sure.

Tntigger, I leaned all the way down to put my nose in the new flower (which was one of those low ones only a few inches off the ground) and while I did notice some kind of odor I don't know that I could honestly ID it as musk like; but to be honest due to almost year round allergy and sinus issues which just happen to be at their all out worst right now, I have very little ability to smell anything but the most obvious of odors. Sometimes, for instance, I will notice the wisteria (which if you've ever smelled it you know to be bowl-you-over strong or the similarly odoriferous jasmine but I've pretty much never noticed any odor from even such things as lilies, iris, clematis, or daffodils. So the fact that I can't detect a musky odor doesn't mean it isn't there. Thanks for the tip though. At this point I'm pretty sure it is P.A. but must say that I am still quite taken by the similarity to the one you suggested.

Mrs_Ed, I will do that. I was waiting to be convinced of its true ID before adding it to the PF. I do have quite a few pics in PF already though. I think I got behind last year but otherwise have always tried to do my part to contribute to that fabulous database. I use it often myself and always appreciate the pics others have put there 'for me'. After having been taken by so many of those vendor photos that look very little like the real plant, I've learned to consult PF before placing my orders. I like to get an idea what the plant really looks like when grown by real people in the real world. (lol)

Thanks everyone for all of the help. I'm going out in a few minutes to try and get a pic of that new bloom before the rains start and will post it if I do.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey scutler. In IDing irises I've been told (recently by wandasflowers) that the only way to make an ID of some of these is to grow the same thing that you are SURE of next to it to compare. You know, having to do with soil and sun conditions. I'm going to do that this year if I can track down an heirloom that is for sure identified.

And to me, I bet that is the case with yours. Looks like there are huge differences even on the database. Some with more intense variegation than others.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Mrs_Ed, I've heard that, too. (Heard it here at DG so may have come from same source.) For those really big plant mysteries, I think that's a very good idea. But, now I'm sufficiently convinced of mine's ID. I actually have a lot of confidence in the vendor from whom I bought it. Although I didn't say so earlier I really was having difficulty believing she/they would have made such a mistake in the 1st place.

Anyhow, here's a pic of the newest bloom. Seems like bloom color/pattern varies with even more subtle things than soil, climate, etc. One thing I did just maybe 2 days ago, I put down fertilizer in the area. I'd been unable to do so for a couple of years and things out there were looking pretty poor. Don't know if that may have made the difference.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

beautiful. I never have seen an iris I did not like though!!! I have one really pretty one, but it smells like cat pee!!! I love it anyway.

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