(Almost) free plants (perennials, tress, shrubs)

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Has anyone heard of this group? Looks like they are a worthwhile undertaking.


Raleigh, NC

Wow--that looks really great, assuming its what it purports to be. The shipping/handling could really add up, but so long as you budget part of it as your charitable giving for the year, its a win-win. Thanks for sharing it!

Edited to say, when you are on their site, specifically at the perennials, when you click on a name on the list, more than one pic pops up, which you won't notice unless you scroll down. The first pic that comes up is not necessarily the one you clicked on, but if you scroll down, there it is, FYI. I emailed them about this, as I'm assuming its a mistake.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2008 5:41 PM

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Actually, I think in most cases it says that there are two (it may name them) entries on each page.

Did you find anything interesting, yote? I am not sure yet for myself.

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

I looked this company up in Dave's Garden Watchdog, sounds bad, check it out. Go to Products and Sources/Garden Watchdog

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

There have been a couple discussions about this company throughout the years...I don't know what the official "verdict" is on them though, seems mixed! I haven't found the guts to order from them yet.




Lots of opinions on these threads. HTH. Susanne

Raleigh, NC

It does seem clear, from these threads, that they are legitimate, which is the biggest question, I believe. I'd order "nonspecial" things from them just to support them, making sure to contact them for an exchange if it arrives in bad shape. And if things don't work out, once again, I'd just consider it a small donation to a worthy cause......Couldn't tell from Garden Watchdog if there is a trend towards improvement in their shipping/packaging, which seemed to be a common complaint....Does seem like they are 'ironing out the bugs..' so to speak....

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

I have to learn to check the watchdog files before posting something, sorry. After reading the comments, I am not at all disposed to "buy" from them.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Clementine, don't feel bad at all about posting! I looked up all those threads because when I first heard of them, I was really excited about their company. I agree, I am not "disposed" to patronize them either, lol, as much as I would love to! Don't ever feel bad about starting a conversation about a good cause, or anything for that matter!

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

That's right, that's how we all learn, from each other : > }

Shenandoah Valley, VA

This place looks really fishy to me. For starters, the plants aren't free. The "shipping" charges are more than you would pay for most of these plants if you bought them at a local nursery.

And although they talk about a sheltered workshop being a non-profit in their FAQ, they also say they are not a non-profit charity. They don't say they are a workshop, only that they have their plants packaged in sheltered workshops. Well, anyone can pay to have work done at a sheltered workshop. I've used one here to get printing done for years because it was supporting a good cause but the printing was for a for-profit company.

But it certainly doesn't do any harm to post about them. Everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to buy from them or not.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The shipping charges cover "handling costs" too which is what I assume they have to pay the shelter workshop in order to get the people there to do the work, although I imagine they take some percentage for themselves too (they state clearly in their FAQ that they are NOT a nonprofit charity organization). If you compare what you pay for a plant from them with what you'd pay to get an equivalent plant from another mail order nursery, I believe you're going to save a bit going with them, another nursery might have a lower s&h charge but then you have to pay for the plant on top of it so you're still getting a deal (although Watchdog would suggest that you're getting what you pay for!) Local nurseries are almost always going to have mail order beat on price, that's why I only use mail order for things I can't find locally (or sometimes I'll buy baby versions mail order of things that I could spend $50 for in a 10 gal pot at a local place)

I remember reading about them a few years ago in some gardening magazines, so I'm sure they're a legit group. Personally I wouldn't buy from them because of the Watchdog ratings though.

Bozeman, MT(Zone 4b)

Thanks for letting us know about them. I just placed an order and am looking forward to posting my experience in our Garden Watchdog. I will give you a full update!
Thanks, Deidre

This message was edited Apr 6, 2008 11:23 AM

Thumbnail by NorthernSeasons
(Zone 7a)

I, too, want to order from them but am wary. Let us know as soon as your package arrives. There are some trees I would like.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, like several of you said, we all learn from each other. I won't order from them either. I have actually supported another group with a similar MO for a while, until I ended up with way too much of their "products".

I'll be interested in hearing about northernseasons' experience.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I sent money to the Arbor day society. They in return send you
ten "trees" to plant to make the world a better place. I have thrown
dead clippings into the green recycle cart that looked better than these so called "tree's". They also sent things that are not suitable for my growing zone. Just be wary! My 2 cents for the day!

(Zone 7a)

I ordered from Arbor Day, too. The only thing worth keeping, and that stayed alive, was a mislabeled plant. Supposed to be Arrowwood Viburnum and turned out to be Fragrant Sumac. I like it but...

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

When I lived in Lincoln, NE, we had a group home a few doors down from us. One of the men in the group home worked at Free Trees & Plants and just loved it. Made him feel important and worthwhile. He would frequently bring half-dead plants back to the house, the residents would plant them, and they frequently died from neglect, being planted in the wrong spot, being planted poorly, etc. It was a source of joy to them though. The people who run the shop are very kind-hearted.

I've never gotten anything from them because I still live fairly close, and it doesn't seem worth the shipping. Have been meaning to call and see if I could pick some things up for a donation, but never got it done.

Raleigh, NC

That's great to hear, McGlory....thanks for posting that, as we all want to know that our money really supports them, and not somebody's pocket...for that I am willing to take the risk...

Bettendorf, IA

I ordered from them - I can't remember all what - I know a few blue hostas and some candytuft and Virginia Bluebells maybe? Honeybells hosta and candytuft for sure - both are doing very well. If I could remember what I got - I would be able to tell you how it went. I did get everything though it wasn't very timely - I do remember that! I figured I would go into it thinking of it as a donation and if it didn't work I wouldn't be disappointed.

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