Success with the seeds

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I planted all my seeds in paper cups and have been keeping a close watch. A MG bush looked like it was getting decent size so I checked to see how big the roots were. Nice time to repot into their last pot. I started checking different plants, my first and second batch of seeds is ready to go into bigger pots. Tonights project. I have some Brug's (Donna's Monster LOL) that are really putting on size and even my gold star (Tecoma stans 'Gold Star') had filled up my cups. Those looked little and only had 4 leaves a piece on them and to my surprise they had been growing roots not leaves. Life will be much simpler when everything is in big pots and I don't have to check them dialy.

As a bonus my turk's cap and dutchmans pipe finally decided to sprout, must have been the warmer weather. That just leaves my strawberry trees (Arbutus unedo) to germinate. They're in the frig right now, needed a little chill time.

All of a sudden my seeds are moving right along again. I started back in late Feb. and it's nice to see an end in sight. LOL. I'm sure you care about this.

Columbia, SC

Of course we care. Some of us blatantly addicted to seed-starting!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How are those Orchid trees doing?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Growing fast. The fastest grower is actually a Erythrina crista-galli. It's not leggy either, it's just growing taller and wider every day.

Have to say I'm going to be all filled up with trees by the end of this year. Have to work on flowers and shade loving evergreens, small trees and shrubs. Think by next year the yard will actually worth looking at opposed to a "you have to imagine how this will look". Hehe.

Busy day at work so I have to go.

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

I did a lot of seeds this year - my first year with seeds. Mostly perennial & annual flowers, but a few veggies so far - have a lot more of those to do.

I put my first MGs in their permanent pots the other day & placed them, and I have quite a few more ready to go into their perm pots (and about 2 doz more seedlings), but it's so cold out there today I can't stay out for long; not to mention it starts raining steady every half hour or so. I still have a lot of flowers & plants to get into pots or the ground - my deck looks like a nursery right now with boxes & containers full of little plants. lol

But, alas, I went to WalMart yesterday to pick up some stuff & I got very depressed looking at all their flowers when none of mine are blooming yet. :(((

I'm still pretty new to gardening, so I'm very pleased with the stuff I planted last fall - 15(?) Cannas, 13 Clematis, 22 Strawberries. They're all coming up healthy & happy, but still no flowers (unless you count the strawberries lol). :(((

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