I have a basic question?

Baltimore, MD

I live in Baltimore, MD and I have no idea where to get straw bales from. I was advised not to go to the large nurseries, the price may be prohibative. I have no idea what is a good price for this area. I have checked Craigs list and I see the price of one bale is from $4 - $7. Can some one offer some advice, and if someone can give some local tips that would be lovely. Thanks!

Wake Forest, NC

Soulsecho: ask any landscaper or someone with livestock. Ask any supplier if they have any "spoiled" hay/straw, some that has gotten wet and turned black. They should be eager to get rid of that for a good discount.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Check your local newspaper under "livestock feed" or some such heading. Then call with the questions Kent suggested. You must have "feed" stores in the yellow pages of the phone book. Do a search of the yellow pages on Yahoo. Or google them just by putting Boston after them.


Baltimore, MD

Thanks! I'll give it a try!

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