Chicken lingo LETS HAVE SOME FUN

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Alright I have too much time on my hands. I wanted to start a thread of just all common phrases that originated from chickens. I was thinking about this and I could think of 8 or 10 right of the bat, I'll go first - and everyone else add them as you think of them. I'll bet there are some local ones that I have never heard from your part of the country and vice versa.

"establish a pecking order"

Orangeburg, SC(Zone 8a)

"like an old mother hen"

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Hey lussah - "don't get your hackles up!" LOL

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

stewing in their own juices


Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Birds of a Feather flock together..

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Hey, did I tell you all that I "rule the roost" here at my house (I let my wife think she does)

Orangeburg, SC(Zone 8a)

'running around like a chicken with its head cut(wrung) off'

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Mad as a wet hen...

Woodsville, NH

Eats like a bird or bird brained

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

"nesting instinct"

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

"flew the coop"

Lodi, United States


Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

that one really "ruffled my feathers"

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

how about "dumb cluck"

Lodi, United States

"Its a chicken or the egg situation" As in, "Which came first?

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

"playing chicken" and "chicken__it"

Lodi, United States

"Hen party" (I heard it on "I Love Lucy")

Lodi, United States

"Cocky" attitude. As in "Don't get cocky with me, young man!"

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 9:47 PM

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

His handwriting is chicken scratch. ~:>

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Well isn't that the "cock for Dolly"

Lodi, United States

"Chicken scratch" (bad handwriting)

Woops! Somebody beat me with that.

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 9:50 PM

Lodi, United States

"Chickens coming home to roost" (The consequence of your actions)

Lodi, United States

Hot chicks

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

"perched on the edge of my seat"

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)


Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

The ladies at the picnic were 'squawking like old hens".

...And one I said to my 7 year old grandson who had a sour attitude the other day, and knew better than to behave like that:

"You straighten your attitude up right NOW, or I'll be all over you like a 'duck on a bug'!"

....He straightened up and was pleasant for the rest of the day. ;)

Lodi, United States

Being "cooped up".

"Old biddy"

Worst of all: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch!"

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 10:52 PM

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 11:43 PM

Woodsville, NH

Chicken legs....."you have chicken legs"

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

"Even a chicken with a brain this big ٭ knows to come in out of the rain!"

Lodi, United States

Its late, I'm bored--hence too many "chicken lingo" entries. Did any one notice that BYC has been hacked with general hillarity ensuing? Maineiac?

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm going to "scratch up something to eat".

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, you took them all! Scott, too much time on your hands? you didn't...

waiting for a good joke today...


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Just ran into this one a short while ago. Someone posted:
WHO's WATCHING THE HENHOUSE in regard to some monies an organization was handling.

It made me smile to see chicken lingo.


Conroe, TX

Cackling like a bunch of hens.
Heard this from a man who was talking about women getting together and talking and laughing.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I hear that all the time from my Paul -hmph!


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

and don't count your chickens before they hatch, either!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

chickenfeed (for a small amount of money)


Lodi, United States

"Walking on egg shells"

Protecting your "nest egg."

Woodsville, NH

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

He's got his chest puffed up like a rooster! (someone looking for a fight)
Don't know who came first, LoraK, I think I know but wouldn't want to end up with egg on my face!

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