Get Involved in a Garden to feed the Hungry!!

Clinton, MA(Zone 5a)

Hello Gardeners,
My name is Thor and I am part of the team creating a community-based garden, not for personal or individual use, but to supplement the often bland foods given to clients of "Loaves and Fishes" Food Pantry which is in Ayer, MA with freshly harvested, same-day delivered, vegetables, and-perhaps more useful still-cuilinary herbs to spice up their dishes. Some have even suggested including a weekly recipe with the veggies and herbs given to make the food given by USDA and donated-canned goods usually, more palatable. The other use for these fresh items is for the Congregational Church of Littleton's (CCOL) weekly supper, open to everyone in the community in need. Both CCOL and Loaves and Fishes are not-for-profit organizations.

The garden is going to be cultivated this month in "Church Meadows," a parcel of land owned by the CCOL and is very fertile, having had hay planted there and harvested for years. For those who live in MetroWest-Boston area, we are in great need for many items to ensure the success and the day-to-day operation of the garden. Everything donated from money to garden cultivation tools to seeds or plants of vegetables, herbs, and flowers which will be suitable for cutting for needed events (funerals, community-wide Church events, etc.) is 100% tax deductable. We will need all the basics from organic fertilizers and/or compost, the seeds described above, ANY GREENHOUSE SPACE TO START the seeds for transplant following our last frost, mulch fabric or other mulch/weed-control solution, donations (cash, check, money order...made out to Congregational Church of LIttleton and clearly marked "Community Garden Fund." Any help with all you green thumbs who want to make a difference and live nearby would be most often. If your employers makes donations to community-based charitable causes, corporate funding would be awesome as we would like to put a high fence around the garden to keep deer from eating what is to go to the hungry.
This is NOT your ORDINARY COMMUNITY GARDEN...this is a GARDEN TO MEET A NEED AND TO FEED/SOOTHE THOSE WHO NEED US THE MOST. Some of us have difficulty doing super heavy physical work, but what we lack in that ability, we excel in enthusiasm, knowledge, generosity, and love for our fellow humans. We could really use help from anyone in the Daves Garden-Gardening,Composting, Organic farming, and experienced gardeners that have conquered this type of project! ANY PRACTICAL HELP WOULD BE INCREDIBLE AND EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL BE PUT TO GOOD USE WITH PICTURES TO BE POSTED THROUGHOUT THE SEASON UNDER A NAME WHICH WILL BE POSTED WHEN THERE ARE PLANTS TO SHOW!

We are in Zone 6, so beans, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, root veggies, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, squash of all types-including pumpkin, early-ripening melon, cucumbers, eggplants, all types of cuilinary herbs, most flowers that require full-sun and can be used in cut flowers or repotted for important charitable events, pak choi, bok choi, and other suitable Asian vegetables are all awesome contributions, but most of all...funds given directly to the cause and not to one, single person are in need to purchase specifcally desired supplies to safeguard our/your investment. Thanks to all...I hope that this has not been overly pushy. If not a subscriber who can post to this thread or send D-Mail, please contact me for information on where to send anything or to let us know of available supplies near the Metro-West area of Massachusetts or other nearby areas at: The Church can be located via 411 or the internet at for more info on our Church and it's financial status and to verify my veracity.

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