Plant Trade ORVG RU 2008

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, that's it. Isn't the common name, lungwort?

So now that it is identified, anybody want some?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Sue, you're welcome to some iris, sure. I'd love Cherokee Purple. Right now would be nice, actually...A fresh mater, I mean. *sigh*

Bonnie, I would like some lungwort, please.

yes i can't wait for a ripe juicy mato
ok i will put a few aside for you
I didn' put them in my trade list due to i didn't think they would make it but they are looking good and thriving . SO far so good

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie it's Spiderwort.

Doctors and Herbalists once thought if a plant looked like a part of the body it would cure that part.
It looks somewhat like a crouching spider and the sap forms silk-like threads when the plant is broken.
Wort usually means a medicinal herb or root ... so Spider Bite Medicine... doesn't work
Just as Bloodwort or Root... has red sap....actually does have some medicinal properties but not for blood.
Pulmonaria is Lungwort. It looks somewhat like a diseased lung... doesn't work.

My Spiders are just coming on.
Did I by any chance trade you a pale white/ blue blush one?
Or a pure white one?


i would love some Rubekia

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)


The violets you gave me last year are in bloom now. Sure I would love some more. I will take some stump pics if it ever stops raining.

Glass trades in order of pickers so far are George, Marcy, Neal but I hope to have a piece or two fro every one.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, did you mean that I got one of the spider plants from you? I don't have one, and I can't remember killing one either!! Or did you mean, do I want one? If that is the case, yes!! If not, no problem. So Spiderwort it is. Will go back and change my post about it on the trade thread.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I just listed a few things that I will have for trade. I have begonias for Neal, daylilies for George and a spiderwort for Kimberly, that I have marked finalized.

So look at my list and see if I have anything you want.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

tsk tsk tsk Did y'all get lost? ;)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

OOPS! Sorry Chele, going to chat right now!!

Esther how many Kellogs Breakfast do you have to spare ? i would like a few

Milford, OH

I didn't think of this until I saw glass listed. Would anyone want to trade for plant tags? The 12" tall metal ones with the wraparound metal tag. Or, what about some large metal flowers? These stand about 4- 5' tall once you screw in their two-piece stems. I have red ones and blue ones. Most are still in their original boxes. And, I have some very nice wooden signs I had made for one of our display gardens years ago and have never used. I'd be happy to trade for large EEs or something cool.

I can email photos of these items later if anyone is interested.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Mona, I'd be interested in seeing the wood signs. Even if we don't trade, I need some ideas. LOL

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Mona, do you have pics of the metal flowers?


Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I will bring

Double orange Day Lilies
Light blue heirloom Iris, has a grape-like aroma
Small starts of double lavender Rose of Sharon
Yellow creeping Sedum
Small Columbine.....unsure of colors

Milford, OH

I finally tossed the metal flowers into a temporarily empty spot in the garden. They are both about 4' tall. I don't have one of the "stem" pieces screwed into the blue one. The flowers are about 12 - 14" across. The bottlebrush buckeye to the left of the 'Grey Owl' will belong to one of you on Saturday.

See you Saturday.


Thumbnail by herbmom
Milford, OH

Hi All:

I'm trying to get organized for Saturday and want to make sure I don't forget anything or anybody. Here's my list. Please let me know if I forgot anyone. George, I saw you won't be coming. Please let me know if you've made arrangements for anyone to pick plants up for you and I'll send along the bamboo. Michele, we'll work out a way to get you your shrubs.

Plants I'm bringing to trade:
ric - 3 Oxalis 'Charmed Wine'
gardenwife - maiden grass and bottlebrush buckeye
Marcy1 - bottlebrush
Neal - doublefile viburnum
Michele - bottlebrush and doublefile
Melissa - doublefile and Pleistoblastus viridis
Rebecca - sweet woodruff
Melissa - metal flowers
Neal - doublefile and rose-of-sharon cuttings

Trades I'm hoping for:
ric - Xanth and Indocalamus tessalatus
Marcy1 - rhubarb
Neal - elephant ears and crossvine
Michele - tomatoes
Melissa - tomatoes, balsam, basil, and Alocasia Illustris
Rebecca - piece of glass

Please let me know if I forgot anything.

See you Saturday.


Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

I decided to drop in and say hey since I won't be there this time. There is always the fall though.....Will miss you all this weekend!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Mona
I won't have anyone to pick stuff up,but maybe I could send you what you wanted in the mail and send some extra $$ so you could send me some bamboo.(can you tell I really want the bamboo : ) Just dmail me and let me know.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)


If you still have the lime zinger and the coral bell-cintronelle, I would love those.

Bertie and I would like any extra sweet woodruff that is floating around, too.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I've got you down for Sweet Woodruff, Cookie.

Anyone have tall tomato stakes, like 8 footers?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I use rebar. ;) Cheap and lasts forever.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I second the rebar. I use field fence to make cages, and rebar to anchor cages. Kimberley, you can get rebar at Newark Builders supply, on 79 south of Heath, cut to order lengths.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

See chat thread -- too long to post here.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

joycet - have you down for the lime zinger and heuchera.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Everybody have fun and stay safe! See you all Sunday evening!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Please post your RU Photos here so the rest of Dave's can enjoy the Marvelous Day.


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