Plant Trade ORVG RU 2008

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Three weeks to go folks! Here is the post for plant trading.

Everyone please take one box. List your haves, your wants and your finalized trades. This makes it easy for both you and your trader to remember what they promised you and what they are expecting.

Try to keep the chatting to the bare minimum and about plants or other items you are offering for trade or plants and items you would like to receive. If you add more items to your list, feel free to post an update in a new box so people know to scroll back up and look. ;)

Melissa made a post for trade chat. Gotta question?? Wanna make a deal? LOL

Link to RU time, date and location thread:

Food, food, gotta have food!

Who's coming?

This message was edited May 19, 2008 8:17 AM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Badseed's trade box:

daylilies, lotsa daylilies
Tithonia 'Sundance'
canna from seed (small flowered reds probably-hummers love them)
Leonotis -lion's tail
Convolvulus tricolor
Sedum-tall, cuttings, can start rooting
White yarrow
Onion Chives
Sweet Basil
'Mrs. Burns' Lemon Basil
Fernleaf Dill
Italian flatleaf Parsley
Red Currant (few)
Jelly Bean (few)
Mortgage Lifter
Giant Tree (few)
Giant Belgium
Super Beefsteak
Jubilee (yellow)
Long Thin Cayenne
Serrano chili
California Wonder
Golden Calwonder
Aji Colorado
Sweet Banana


daylilies i don't have, old named heritage
named hosta
musa zebrina
large elephant ears
Water plants
Color catalogs with daylily photos. (making a scrapbook, trying to save ink and recycle!)



wants: Mortgage Lifter, Pineapple, Giant Belgium tomatoes, daylily Double Pompon

Had to cancel attending. :(

wants: daylilies-mini purple, mini red, no yellow, coleus, hens and chicks, bell peppers, Joan Senior, Charles Johnston, Double Pompon, Whimsical
has: brug, varie willow, petasites, raspberries-all, president canna, dogwood, white trillium, petasites

wants: daylilies, veggies, houseplants, iris

wants: bell peppers and asst peppers, jelly bean tomatoes
has: purple coneflower, hosta Golden Tiara

wants: coleus, jelly bean and red currant tomato, california wonder pepper, Golden Calwonder, yellow squash and zucchini, basil, thyme and parsley

wants: pink and coral daylilies, Double Pompon, Curcuma, Sun Coleus-did you check my site for which??
has: lilies, roses, La iris Bold Pretender, Iris laevigata

wants: Leonotis, sweet basil, Giant Belgium, Mortgage Lifter
has: Karl Forester

wants: Canna, Leonotis leonurus, Basil 'Mrs Burns' , fernleaf Dill, Long thin cayenne, Serrano chili, Aji Colorado
has"Mary Rose, Eden Rose, Trifetti Pepper, Egg Yolk Tomato, Iris cristata, pussy willows

wants: jelly bean tomato

wants: bright blue Iris, Parsley, Dill

wants: lions tail, Tithonia, Convulvulus, Brandywine Tomato, daylily Double Pompon
has: daylilies

wants: Lion's Tail

wants: Giant Tree Tomato
has: bottle brush and double file shrubs

This message was edited Jun 5, 2008 3:15 PM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Ric's trade box:

Too much to list.
Perennials....Tropicals......EE's (mostly Colocasia at this point... but should have some Monster Xanth Roots) ...... just ask in a DMail please

Pelargonium (Geraniums) anything but pink, Coleus (anything),

Oxalis.... Iron Cross, 'Francis', 'Fanny', 'Charmed Velvet'

Arabis alpina..... Lana, Neal, Joyce

This message was edited Apr 11, 2008 9:07 PM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

I guess I better claim this space!!


NOID daylilies......cream color with a dark throat. 3 pots left as of 5-9-08...2 pots left as of 5-10-08
Have several (still have to count) small sweet gum trees...potted son brought them to me
Also have Liriope, variegated
I will be adding more, if the rain ever stops!
Adding: small seedlings of seaholly
catmint...Walkers low
iris.....lots of colors...won't know till they bloom!
cuttings from Black lace Sambuca....dark elderberry

From Bonnie....Chelone
From George.....butterfly weed and dogwood
From Joyce......Blood grass and Golden Tiara hosta
From Mona......Bottle brush buckeye
From Chele.....Double Pompom daylily and tomato plants
From Tabasco/Judy.....white Liatris


Neal: cream color daylilies w/dark throat,
rose cuttings...jDark Euphorbia
brug cuttings (maybe) They aren't looking very good yet?
Cane begonia cutting
Chele...cream color daylilies w/dark throat...dark Euphorbia.....noid daylilies blue iris
Kimberley.....cream color daylilies w/dark throat
Pauletta: cream color daylilies w/dark throat....dark Euphorbia
George....Cane begonia cutting and iris...dark Euphorbia
Joyce.....climbing rose cuttings....dark Euphorbia
Bonnie.......cream color daylily w/dark throat....dark Euphorbia
Rebecca......confederate violets....wild geranium

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 6:37 PM

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This message was edited Jun 2, 2008 6:34 PM

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Not sure what's going to be available, but since I'll be starting with a blank slate (except what I steal from this garden) I'll be looking for LOTS!

Purple Coneflower
Stella D'Oro Daylily
Gold Tiara Hosta
NOID hosta
White Yarrow
Ostrich Fern
Japanese Blood Grass
Maiden Grass
Yellow Oenethera (sp?)
Creeping Jenny (golden)
Blue Bachelor Button
Amythest Bachelor Button
Pink Corn Flower

More to come....

Chele-Purple Cone Flower/Golden Tiara Hosta
Neal-Blue Flowers/Hostas
George-Hostas/Sedum/Red Coral Bell/Pink Coral Bell
Marcy-Japanese Blood Grass/Golden Tiara Hosta
Lilyhosta-Ostrich Fern
Sue-Ostrich Fern
Esther-Japanese Blood Grass
Bonnie-Pink coneflower
Rebecca-Bleeding Heart/Pink

This message was edited Apr 7, 2008 1:25 PM

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This message was edited May 15, 2008 12:06 PM

Sue has
Sweet peppers
4 Gypsy peppers
4 Jimmy Nardello
4 Macorani
1 Mystery ? lost the tag :)
4 Rosso
4 Ancho
4 Holy Mole
4 Mucho nacho
Break o day
Big Rainbow
Big beef
Hosta's that are no name i think i can do about 5 3-4 ich pots

I got about 4 ea on the tomatos
i might have some lettuce too

but this is what i got so far
Its not alot . Sorry
but i might have more later . see how my green thumb pans out this yr.
melons got damped off :( uhg.
didn't get around to seeding herbs

Sue's wish list
Day Lillies !!
Daffodils ?
indoor plants of any kind
GW cherokee purple tomato
joycet applesauce
Marcy applesauce
Pauletta applesauce and dixie
Melissa one applesauce and one sliced apples
Geo sliced apples, two hosta's that are no name. :)
Esther 1 apple slices and one dixie

This message was edited Apr 1, 2008 6:04 PM

This message was edited Apr 1, 2008 6:25 PM

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This message was edited May 16, 2008 9:52 AM

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa gets
Peach Brug
red bee balm.
Raspberries, red,yellow and black.

Christmas fern
Italian Basil
Peach brug
variegated willow
double pink rose of sharon

4-5 dogwood

Black eyed susan
Mixed wild flowers
Daffs one lot single
daffs one lot double
3-5 petasites

Pink Lamium
Red Bee balm
Christmas fern

Raspberries 3 colors
dogwood ?
Peach brug
single daffs 10 in lot

Peach brug
Varie willow rooted
Raspberries 3 colors
President canna 1 tuber
Dogwood ?
Trillium ?

Eads Tansy
Dutchman Breeches

Dutchman breeches

Dutchman breeches
Vari willow
American Bittersweet
canna president tuber or pot
Italian basil
Maiden Hair Fern

Butterfly weed
Mixed "geo" fern bag

1-3 Petasites : )


This message was edited May 10, 2008 10:16 AM

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This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 4:46 PM

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm working on my list. You can view it here:


Russian Sage
Anything that looks good with Russian sage tall wispy perennials that will look good in a photo background

perennials that aren't invasive

Joycet--Tomatoes and Coleus
angel wing begonia
bleeding heart
Mildred Presby

Judy---floweringchild--Mortgage Lifter Tomato

Ric--tomatoes, coleus, peppers

David phlox
Starfire phlox.
Mildred Presby
Bleeding Heart
Angel Wing Begonia
Spider Plants

chinese 5 color pepper
Blue Paradise Phlox
Night scented stock
chenille plant--crop failure
lots of coleus

tomatoes and rhubarb




This message was edited May 7, 2008 12:37 AM

O k so i am to edit my post so Bad would'nt beat me with a stick . LOL I started to chit chat
MY Bad

This message was edited Apr 1, 2008 6:03 PM

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)


2 flats mixed heirloom tomato plants


To have fun and see you guys

This message was edited Apr 15, 2008 10:04 AM

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)



Vallisneria americana/Eel Grass 3 ROOTED DIVISIONS
Equisetum hyemale/Horsetail Rush 3 ROOTED DIVISIONS
Probably more stuff to come once it starts popping out.


Daffodil Tete' a tete' 3 MULTIPLE BULBS
Zephyranthes candida/Rain Lily, Fairy Lily, Zephyr Lily 3 MULTIBLE BULBS
Lilium/LA Hybrid Lily 'Royal Present' 2 MULTIBLE BULBS
Dryopteris celsa/Log fern 2 ROOTED PLANTS
Sedum unk variety 3 ROOTED DIVISION
Miscanthus sinensis/Maiden Grass 3 ROOTED DIVISION
Black Eyed Susan many ROOTED DIVISION


Clivia miniata/Bush Lily, Clivia Lily, St. John's Lily 1 MATURE PLANT
Crassula ovata variegata/Variegated Jade Plant 3 ROOTED LEAVES AND/OR CUTTINGS
Fittonia/Nerve plant, Brocade plant 'White Brocade' 1 ROOTED DIVISION
Nephrolepis cordifolia/Lemon Button Fern 'Duffii' 3 SMALL ROOTED DIVISIONS


I'll need veggie plants for the garden.
Tomatoes, especially heirloom, cherry, and grape
Squash, yellow and zuchinni
Bell Peppers
Herbs for my new herb garden;

Would love any kind of Lilium I don't have, especially LA Hybrids
Pond plants I don't have
Daffs I don't have
Fall blooming flowers
Ornamental grasses
Ornamental trees or shrubs/bushes
Anything scented
Tempt me!

Need plants for a bed between the walk and porch. Prefer 14" or under height. Can be annual or perennial.

Chele, you have coleus this year? Loved the sun coleus I got from you last year for the bed by the front walk. I have the hardest time getting anything decent in there during the heat of the summer.


This message was edited Apr 8, 2008 1:54 AM

Athens, OH

Hello All.
I haven't stepped outside much so I don't know what I will have, but I will reserve this space for now.





Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Melissa...will you pick out some cool coleus to add to my veggies???? I love you!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi everybody! Finally back to ORVG forum after my lily co op hiatus.

Purchased plants I have extras of:
1 Dahlia 'Christine'

1 I.ensata, Japanese Iris Gypsy

*note, these are unregistered varieties, pretty, but if you're a serious collector, not good for trading*
Own root roses that I'll receive in 2 1/2"pots and pot up to gallons. They should be about ready to go in the garden by the time of the RU.
2 'Morden's Blush'
2 'Oso Easy Strawberry Crush'
2 'The Fairy'

Lilies, some Asiatics, LA hybrids, and Orientals.
3 gallon pots with 3 bulbs:
Oriental Hybrids: 2 Tiara, 3 Aktiva, 1 Color Parade, 1 Pink Mystery, 1 Sigma
Asiatics: 2 Loreto, 1 Traveller, 1 Giraffe
LA hybrids: 1 Cavalese, 1 Dazzle, 3 Salmon Classic, 1 Manhattan, 1 Mount Bachelor
Trumpet: 2 Regale

1 gallon pots with 1 bulb:
Orientals: 2 Color Parade, 2 Acapulco, 2 Helvitia, 3 Sigma
Trumpets: 4 Regale,

From the garden:
Hardy Geraniums, Geranium macrorrhizum, G.biokovo 'Karmina'
Forsythia that has layered itself
Tricyrtus hirta- Toad Lily
Dianthus- Bath's Pink, hot magenta no id

Wintersown seedlings:
Columbine: blue, pink double (clematis form bloom)
Platycodon (balloon flower):'Fairy Snow' and tall blue.
Hollyhock- old fashioned, pinks and crimsons mixed
Hardy Hibiscus-burgundy

Seedlings started indoors:
Salvia coccinea
Cuphia-matchless cigar plant
Zinnia-'classic orange'-single heirloom
Nicotiana alata and N. sylvestris

Hostas- not really concerned about names, but if you know it, good to have so I can look it up. Large varieties with gold or blue/variegated coloring are among my favorites, but there are areas I'd like to create a patchwork quilt effect with varying sizes, textures, and colors so I can use most any kind.

Begonias- I've become an addict, and want to try many types. Those I received last year from some of you are all thriving happily! More, more, more, hehehehehehehe....(I've kept them happy all winter, I'm on a roll, LOL)

Hellebores: any kind

Blooming shrub divisions or rooted cuttings: Lilac-I have old fashioned, but would love to try any cultivar, particularly 'Primrose' or any creamy yellow one, Quince- 'Cameo', white, pink, or red; I have an old coral colored one, but would love to try the extra colorful cultivars, Double (sterile) Rose of Sharon- pink, white, blue, or lavender; I have one called red, but more dark pink, cuttings root easily, so just cuttings of any of those would be great, Spirea- pink, Hydrangea- white snowball, or any mophead, Viburnums of any kind, Crepe Myrtle- any kind, Caryopteris, and pretty much any blooming bush.

Tropicals: most anything, but particularly interested in those that may be hardy. Would love to try some gingers and curcuma. Also been wanting pink, yellow, and variegated brugs if anyone has cuttings.

Cannas: Stutgart, Pink Sensation I think is the name- pink blooms and striped foliage, Banana Canna

Suckers from any old fashioned, rugosa, or rambling roses

Perennials: Mums, particularly whites, any perennial with blue blooms, Campanulas-peach leaved or others, Oriental Poppies, Dianthus- bicolors, doubles, or any I don't have (I've got Bath's Pink and a hot magenta colored no id), Acanthus, Gas Plant, Peonies- reds and burgundies and white singles with yellow centers especially, Bearded Iris- the only color I've seen I don't care for is the old fashioned brownish purple, other than that I'd love any.


Finalized or in the works:

Melissa- JI-Eden series, lilies
(pink rugosa sucker)

Sue-surprise assortment of goodies

Chelle- lilies, roses, 3 forsythias, 1 LA Water Iris 'Bold Pretender', 1 Iris laevigata variegata
(daylilies, curcuma, coleus)

Pauletta-Oso Easy Strawberry Crush Rose, The Fairy Rose
(begonias, pansy seed, hosta 'Moon River')

Lana-pampas grass, lilies, I.pseudacorus variagata, I.ensata Pink Lady, I.ensata Eden series, I.ensata variegata, Rose-Oso Easy Strawberry Crush, Rose Oso Easy Paprika, Forsythia

Esther-lily assortment, Rose Oso Easy Peachy Cream, Rose Oso Easy Fragrant spreader

shadowgarden- Lilacs

gardenwife- Toad lilies, hardy geraniums, variegated Solomon's seal, Dianthus, Columbine- pink and blue, Hardy hibiscus, Feverfew, Rose Oso Easy Paprika, Rose The Fairy, Lilies-Tiara, Color Parade, Pink Mystery, Centerfold, Regale, Dahlia-Christine

tabasco-Platycodon Fairy Snow, Perennial candytuft, Cuphia, Yvonne's Salvia, Cosmos-Sonata White, Columbine-pink doubles & samples of the others

herbmom-Elephant Ears, Cross Vine
(double-file viburnum)

Joycet-Dahlia 'Christine', variegated Solomon's seal

defoecat- Oriental Lilies, Cuphia

Soulja-Orchid Blue hardy geranium

Marcy-Hardy Geraniums (4 varieties), Lily-Pink Perfection

This message was edited May 29, 2008 4:27 PM

Batavia, OH(Zone 6a)

First for me as I just moved here, pardon my freshman posting

Elfin thyme
Plants appropriate for sunny, steep, dry slope

Mexican sunflower seedlings (started in sunroom March 1)
Unnamed large hostas and small variegated hostas
Wild violets and ajuga
Wild perennial ferns that are almost evergreen.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2008 9:46 AM

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Chat thread for trading

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I will reserve this spot. Don't know what I will have yet.

I know I will have these:

old fashioned lilac purple, rooted-gone
pink turtlehead chelone-gone
money plant
egyptian walking onions
rain lily-gone
dianthus pinks (old fashioned kind)
a few daylilies will list them when the rain stops-the ones that can be divided.
yellow celosia (amish strain) coxcomb
a few tomatoes
blackberry lily-gone
lirope (monkey grass)-gone
morning glories
Japanese Honeysuckle
Yellow evening primrose

Daylilies I have, but will only dig if someone wants them:

Mulberry Sherbet Peach/Mulberry rose, Dip, Mid, Rebloom-gone(chele)
Chorus Line Pink, Evergreen, Dip Fragreant-gone (Esther)
Two Part Harmony Yellow/Wine Evergreen,-gone (chele)
Playful Pixie mini Rose/Mauve Dormant, Dep. Mid
Fancy Face mini cream/gold/mahogany, Early/Mid Evergreen, Rebloom-gone(chele)
Berry Basket Burgundy with Dark Maroon Cream edges, yellow/green throat Dip. Dormant
Hearts Afire Red evergreen, dep Early/Mid
Red Wine Red Evergreen Semi Evergreen,
Bloodspot Red, Semi Evergreen Tet. Late Mid
My Melinda Pink, Dormant, tet, Rebloom-gone (paulette)
Chicago Apache Red, Dormant, Tet gone (Esther)
Frosty Beauty mini Rose/Mauve, Dormant Dip, Early Mid, Rebloom
Strutters Ball Purple, Dormant, Tet. Mid
Doodle Bug mini Cream/Tan Semi Evergren, Dep. Early Mid Rebloom
Kwanso Orange, Double Dormant, Dep, Early/Mid
Zagora coral mid dor
Autumn Red. Rdm Mid Dip Rebloom-gone(Chele)
NOID hasn't bloomed, but has increased.


shade plants
fragrant plants
yard art
oriental lilies
elephant ear, or big leafed plant (for leaf castings)

Finalized trades:

Kimberly-spiderwort and chelone for Northern Sea Oates
Neal-begonias daylilies Yellow Iris yellow evening primrose, for oriental lilies, cigar plant, geraniums.
George-daylilies Yellow Iris, chelone
Marcy-turtlehead chelone for a Daylily
Chele-daylilies for lions tail, tithonia, convolvulus, and brandywine tomato
Rebecca Blackberry lily and lilac for glass
Paulette-Astilbe for a daylily.
Ric spiderwort for EE
Lioriope for Jazz and KyWoods
Pickled beets for Joycet, Sue & Paulette (you better have me something good!)
Esther-rain lilies, red daylily, fragrant daylily for epimedium, blood root and columbine.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 2:28 PM

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Pauletta's trade list

If these do not have names on them,
it is because my name tags faded in the sun,
or because I received seeds with no names.
I just love flowers, they don't have to be named...
Ok Here I go...
Hope I can keep all this straight

4 dragon wing
4 noid (green leaf with silver splotches on top and red underneath leaf)
2 brazilian lady
2 sunbrite red
1 artillary plant-- annual
2 Pink/peach with yellow throat
2 Yellow with red throat(mabe bonanza)
Columbine- 2nd year to bloom
dark purple
grannys bonnets
pink clematis
Amaranthus- Golden Giant
Agastache- Honey Bee
Blanket Flower- NOID
Bachelor Buttons- Black Ball
Bachelor Buttons _ Lilac
Chinese Forget-me-nots
Cora Bells- Palace Purple... crop failure
Coreopsis- Single Yellow--gone
Foxglove -Apricot
Nicotiana- Purple
Penestemon Smallii-- gone
Queen Ann's Lace--gone

I will have more later...

Daylilies- Lilys of any kind... Hardy
Bearded Iris- especially white, I have purple
Hostas (really Large & Minis)
Bleeding Heart- White

I will add more later...

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 7:46 PM

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 8:17 PM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2008 8:57 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2008 2:32 PM

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

I will be there probably with a friend but have no clue yet what I will bring.

Ok here are some things I can bring. Will post more as I dig.

Flowering Quince
Daylily 'Orangeman' - an early bloomer, started blooming over a week ago and also supposedly blooms heavily in shade!
cuttings of white Beautyberry
Tetrapanax (These are tropical giant leaves that come up every year. Used to make huge cement leaves)
variegated ivy
wild ginger
oxalis 'iron cross'
twisted rush
Coral Bells, heuchera villosa 'Citronelle'
Arrow Leaf, xanthosoma 'Lime Zinger'


joycet - Xanthosoma 'Lime Zinger' and Heuchera 'Citronelle'
defoecat - Tetrapanax Rice Plant
estherz6 - Daylily 'Orangeman', oxalis 'iron cross', twisted rush

This message was edited May 16, 2008 9:43 PM

This message was edited May 28, 2008 10:46 PM

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 11:41 PM

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 11:44 PM

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Thought I better reserve my spot even though I don't know what i will have either

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, ORVers! Below is a list of plants I have available to bring to the RU:

**PLEASE D-mail me with "RU TRADE (and name of item)" in the subject line to keep me organized.**

Please check my "DG Journal" for other things I may have in the garden (I don't have a 'Trade List' on the Trading Forum). If you think I have something not listed here that you want/need, let me know and I will be happy to share if I have it.

If you like, you can stop by our house before or after the RU to pick up/dig plants and have a mint julep or iced tea! (We live very close to the RU picnic site.)

'XXX' means somebody has asked for that selection and I'm out of that for now, anyway. Thanks! (-:


XXX Liatris spicata alba 8 plants from corms (a few of these are reserved for those who asked on another thread? Marcy? and..?
XXXLiatris spicata violet 8 plants from corms
Liatris-one or two more rare seedlings (good for butterflies but tiny and won't bloom for a couple years)
XXX Daffodil "Fragrant Rose" or "Pink Charm" (white with pink cup, mid/late season bloomer) a few available
Lemon Thyme plants from garden and other thyme from garden
XXX Oregano divisions from garden (2 kinds available)
XXXSage 'culinary' seedlings
Stonecrop (2 kinds) both chartreuse and dark green
XXX Caladium 4 (potted plants started from Co-op bulbs) a white/green one and a white one with red veins (will find names).
XXX Canna 4 (potted plants started from Co-op bulbs) not sure of names yet--will look at tags later.
XXX Calla 4 (potted plants started from Co-op bulbs)
XXX Buckeye tree seedlings (12 inches high) Yellow blossom. 3 or more available
XXX Salvia various (purple/blue perennial) volunteers from garden. Standard nice cultivars but I've lost IDs.
Liriope variegated Divisions from garden

XXX Also Wintersown seedlings available: Verbena bonarienses, campanulas (various kinds), digitalis (various kinds), echinacea (from collected seed also 'magnus', 'starlight', from purchased seed), tithonia, rudbeckias (various, including 'prairie sun', 'indian summer', 'irish eyes' and others), salvias (various annual), zinnias, Japanese Morning Glories (various from seed started indoors). Ask about specific IDs on any of these if you are interested.

XXX Magazines and Journals: "Horticulture", "American Gardener", "Daffodil Society", "Hosta Journal", "Architectural Digest", Daylily catalogs, "Ohio Birding", Iris catalogs, and various assorted other gardening magazines and catalogs I would like to recirculate to any interested gardeners.


IRIS--Long-blooming bright blue bearded. Both 'tall' and/or 'border' iris. Unknowns and NOID are just fine. A few for a nice eye-catching patch.

Rhubarb--Esther?! Roots for planting and/or stalks to make pie!? Yum!

Tomato plants (just a couple) Melissa?!

If you have extra parsley, dill, fennel, I could use more for our butterfly garden.

This message was edited May 18, 2008 8:00 AM

Thumbnail by tabasco
Milford, OH

Moonlit talked me into coming to the RU. I'm new to this. I have many things I could bring depending on available time. Can bring the following if there is interest.

Doublefile viburnum - about 3' tall
Bottlebrush buckeye
Large clump of maiden grass
Assorted spireas in two-gallon containers
Hardy Bamboo - We have most of the types that are hardy. We have three kinds we are willing to dig and share for people who really want it and are going to plant it.

Tomato plants
Large elephant ears

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello herbmom! Glad to have you with us!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey herbmom!
Glad to meet ya!! I have tons of heirloom tomato plants. I would love some hardy bamboo. I have had a time finding any hardy. I have bought some on ebay, but each year I lose it. If interested in trade dmail me and I can give you varieties.
See ya at the RU!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello herbmom, glad to meet ya. Come on over and chat with us, and tell us something about yourself.


Herbmom i got plenty of tomatos
anything in particular you are looking for ?

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Here are some of my bamboos in 2004. Some have grown a lot since , but others I have to go and look for to see if they are still around.

Heirloom tomatoes:
Annanas Noire
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Black from Tula
Black Plum
Brandywine, Landis Valley Strain
Brandywine, Joyce Pink
Cherry Roma
Cream Sausage
Dr. Carolyn
Dr. Wyches Yellow
Egg Yolk
German Johnson
Lumpy Red
Marianne's Peace
Mirabelle Blanche
Opel's Homestead
Plum Lemon
Pruden's Purple
Snow White
Steakhouse Cherry
White Queen
Yellow Perfection

Hot Pepper:
Yellow Mushroom (from Shakers at Pleasant Hill)

Basil, cinnamon
Mints: Pineapple, Apple, Lemon Balm, Banana, Chocolate, Lime, Peppermint, Pennyroyal
Oregano, golden

Pussy Willows: Rosemary; Asian (Salix chaenomeloides); Tall; Black
Hostas coming up from seed, only sure of So Sweet and Blue Cadet
Can bring cuttings of Roses- Eden, Ballerina. Jens Munk, Herbalist, Mary Rose, Iceberg, etc.
Cuttings of Figs
Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora'
Yellow Twig dogwood

Columbine, different colors
Corydalis, purple
Epimediums - yellow, orange and red
Iris cristata
Sedum - ponytail, others
Ladys Mantle
Fernleaf Bleeding Heart


Silvery Fir Tree tomato
Hardy Fuscia
Lady Slipper Orchids


Tabasco-Judy: Rhubarb; 2 tomatoes

Gemini-Sage Neal: Orange & Red Epimedium; Japanesse snowball & Greenish-pink hydrangeas

Daylilydaddy - George: Bamboos, sedums, hosta, phlox

Melissa-Ohio: Black Pussy Willow

Gardenwife - Kim: Black Cherry tomato; corydalis, epimediums

Joycet: Pussy Willows, Fernleaf Bleeding Heart, Iris cristata, Eden rose, Joyce Pink Brandywine tomato, Bambusa Golden Goddess, Sasa veitchii

Badseed - Chele: Mary Rose cutting; Eden rose, Trifetti pepper, Egg Yolk tomato, Iris cristata, Pussy Willows.

Taynor - Sue: Rudbeckia, Bradley tomato, Dr. Wyches Yellow, Pineapple

Defoecat - Bonnie: Epimediums; Columbines - white, almost black, pink; Bloodroot

This message was edited May 9, 2008 11:42 AM

This message was edited May 15, 2008 10:22 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2008 8:13 PM

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't need anything in trade - to difficult for me to pot and to plant.

However, I will be bringing Hellebores from my hellebore breeding friend for Joycet and Taynors.

And picking up tomato plants from seeds I sent to Melissa and Defoecat - hopefully! I have not asked them if the plants grew....


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Sticking flag in plot. Okay, this is my trade spot.

I will try to post photos since the iris are blooming right now. I will post links to the Flickr pages where I post them.

Echinops ritro (Globe Thistle) -- 3
Wild Tradescantia - -- many
Deep purple iris about 15" tall (blooming now) -- have 3 fans to share
Lavender and purple iris about 20" tall (blooming now) -- have LOTS to share
Coreopsis - single-flowered fine-foliage. Not sure of variety, but will post pics if I can find them -- have 2 to share
Ornamental grass -- Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' -- will see how much more I can take off from the edges. :)
Sweet woodruff - have 5 to share
Stella d'Oro daylilies - lots
Orange tetraploid daylily, 99% sure it's flore pleno --
Bronze fennel - butterflies love it, hosts parasitic wasp that kills Japanese beetles - have 3 to share, maybe more
Small-leafed, shiny-leafed dark green low-growing hosta (almost like a groundcover) - have 3 to share
Northern sea oats - ornamental grass - lots!
Oregano - unsure of type. Overwinters here in my zone 5 raised bed, though!


Heirloom tomatoes -
Mortgage Lifter
Cherokee Purple
Black Cherry
Good salsa/salad tomatoes

Peppers -
Large sweet bell type

Lilies - especially pink, fuchsia, white Oriental and Asiatic

Annuals/tender perennials -
Zonal and seed geraniums - pinks, whites, reds
Salvias - especially blues and purples
Impatiens - pinks, corals, whites, they're all good :)
Gerbera daisies

Bearded Iris
Would love some with variegated foliage
Later bloomers or re-bloomers

Siberian Iris
Love the deep purple, blue and yellow (love 'em all. LOL)

Perennials for late summer/fall bloom

Hosta - variegated and anything but dark green (need some to contrast against largely green plantings)

Ostrich fern



Karl Forrester grass

Northern sea oats

Karl Forrester grass
Deep purple iris about 15" tall (blooming now)
Lavender and purple iris about 20" tall (blooming now)
Coreopsis - single-flowered fine-foliage.

Karl Forrester grass

Sweet Woodruff

Sweet Woodruff
Stella d'ora lily
Iris- either one
Small, groundcover-like hosta

Purple iris


Sweet basil
Mortgage Lifter tomato
Giant Belgian tomato
I forget what else. LOL

Dutchman's Breeches

Turtle head chelone

Black cherry tomato

Tricyrtus hirta
Hardy geraniums
Columbine - blue, pink double columbine
Hardy Hibiscus-burgundy
Variegated Solomon's Seal
Oso Easy Paprika rose
Fairy rose
Oriental lilies -- Tiara, Color Parade, Pink Mystery
Asiatic lilies - Centerfold
Trumpet lily - Regale
Iris - laevigata variegata

Arabis alpina

Penstemon Smallii
Bachelor buttons
Daffodils -
Columbine - Granny's bonnet, yellow

Cream daylily

Salvia - annual
Other annuals

Cherokee Purple tomato

This message was edited Jun 2, 2008 6:01 PM

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, I'm back. Planted 350 violets and still want more! Still moving but got the computer via sattelite this week finally. Hope to get the phone finalized soon.

I hope to come and bring glass.

What I would like

Trilliums any kind and as many as available
Violets any kind
Dutchmans breeches
Virginia bluebells
Bleeding heart red or white
sweet woodruff

I also might bring some dead tree stumps. Our new house is in the woods and these are knarled and kind of neat I think. I won't bring any unless someone mails me to ask for them because they are big and klunky but I can bring two or three if you guys want them.

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi guys,

Perhaps I should clarify, I am the amature glassblower when I say I will bring glass it will be things like glass flowers and glass balls and paperweights etc. like I brought last year. George has first dibs but I will bring a lot so probably there will be enough for everyone to get one who wants one after the traders get first picks.


P.S. If no one else has spoekn for it I would love that iron cross oxalis.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yea Rebecda!! I was just looking at a piece of beautiful glass you did today. :o)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey's great to see you again!!! Glad you are coming to the round up!! I think of you every time I look at my paperweight and glass rose!!
I can bring you more confederate violets if you want? As for the stumps, tell us about them. Are they hollow or solid? Maybe you can take a pic of them to put on here??

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Rebecca, I didn't meet you last year, I had a puppy emergency. Looking forward to seeing everybody there.

I found something in the perennial bed today, that I don't remember what it is. I took a picture, but can't post it until I get my other computer back. It has my photo program on it. It has a lot of foliage, and one bunch has pink flowers, and another clump has purple flowers. Small flowers, but they are so pretty. What ever it turns out to be, I should have several trades of that.

I have 2 pretty shaped tree stumps in my yard. I love rocks, and wood. If anybody has rocks other than limestone, I may be interested in them.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Kimberly, yes I think it may be. I got it in a plant trade a couple of years ago. It is a pretty plant, but my CRS is getting to be terminal every day!!

So If anybody wants some, let me know.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie does it have Spots? Fuzzy leaves?
The Pink one may or may not be spotted.
If it looks like this....

I definitely need some.... mine died out.

Look around your yard... I'll bet you find more.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

No, Ric it doesn't look like that. The leaves (foliage) are long slender leaves, green and sort of shiny, sort of like a daylily, but they are thinner, then the little flowers grow on a thin little stalk like thing. I have a picture, but until I get my desktop back about the middle of the week, have no way of posting it.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Tradescantia virginiana?


GW do you still have those purple Iris ? i got some Cherokee Purple i can trade you for them ?

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