Magnolia - Butterflies - need help with some questions

Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

I have the opportunity to purchase a Butterflies Magnolia. I've looked it up in the plant files. Zoned from 4a-8b and I live in 9a, is this tree going to tolerate my zone. I live just south of Houston so we have black land clay, those of us who live here call it gumbo. Soil goes from mushy mud to highly compacted when dry. We also have an average of 60" of rain a year. We also live 13 miles as the crow flies to the gulf. We have a south or southeast wind 85% of the year and many days one can smell the salt in the air. Can this tree thrive under these conditions or am I going to have to baby this tree along. I'm curious as I will be selling my home and moving within two years to Central Texas. Live oaks thrive here so if you live where live oaks thrive and have "Butterflies" I would think this tree could do well.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

The growing zone will not be a problem. Some sellers list zone 9 as the warmest zone. What may be an issue is your soil. Gumbo tends to remain wet for long periods of time and doesn't drain well. You might consider building up the soil, a berm, and planting it there. You will have to mix some of the top soil into the native soil to produce a transition zone for the roots.

From Park Seeds:

Plant in a location protected from wind and free of competing roots. Moisture-retentive, acidic, organically enriched soil is preferred, as is full sun to partial shade. Magnolias need good soil in protected areas.

Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much for your post and links. I am planting the tree in the best possible soil that is the highest on our lot. I'll give the tree a huge hole to spread it's roots well the first couple of years. It is a place where we don't get standing water and I'll raise it up another six inches with a raised bed. Thanks again for your help.


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