clematis as companion to Lady Banksia?

(Annie ) in Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

Is there a clematis that can tackle climbing a Lady Banksia? I planted this rose last fall so it is not very large yet, but wanted to add something there that would bring in some color after the spring show of yellow. Thanks,

(Annie ) in Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

Would it be too much to plant a red and a violet together?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Not at all Annie..just keep them the same pruning group to make it easier in the future..I have two clematis planted with several of my very Vigorous climbing roses...I plant them on opposite sides of the rose to help me and have mine labeled..Jeanne

(Annie ) in Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jeanne! Now to decide on the two that I want......

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