UK and Europe Round Robin

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

here's a link to a thread on the UK Forum. We could have people from europe and the rest of the world too.

Count me in please! I'd love to try.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

closing date will be tomorrow (Sunday), i've got 50 packs of seeds raring to go. let me know.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

ok here's the list:

1 lilith

2. Mrs Carol Smith

3. Trina Sharp

4. Lauren Rayner

5. Debby

6. Deborah Madsen
Copenhagen V

7. evert nylund
espoo, finland

8. Lilith

is that everybody?? let me know if i've missed anyone.


This message was edited Sunday, Aug 26th 1:25 PM

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Hey, where is the RR going?

This message was edited Monday, Sep 17th 1:09 AM

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Evert - the round robin is on its way to Denmark so should be on it's way to you soon.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

just got the rr back to me 'return to sender'. seems to have been a problem in danish customs. i am checking with deborah madsen to see if her address is correct and will be sending it out as soon as i've got that confirmation. well done and thanks to all of you that have taken part so far - there's a great selection of seeds there! hope we can do another sometime, without holdups!

best wishes

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Lilith, I got the RR today from debbie.

I'm gonna send it in 2 separate envelopes because there was so many seedbags! And I put them all to new envelopes. I send them tomorrow. I think the postage fee is quite high because they are quite heavy.

I hope they arrive without problems---

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)


I sent the letters about 5 mins ago in hte post.. they will leave in 17:00 o'clock mail. (in about 10 minutes ;))

The bigger envelope I sent in 2nd class and the smaller in 1st class mail. So, let me know when they arrive.

Thanks for the RR.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

thanks evert! hope you enjoyed looking through them! i hope it wasn't too expensive to send and i hope you'll take part in another one!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

It wasn't too expensive.. or it would be if I'd send the bigger envelope in 1st class mai.. Gosh - Finland is too expensive country. Hey think, a dinner in restaurant for 3 people can cost here something like 200-400 FIM but in India we can get same amount of good food with 50 FIM! drinks included! Ööö

Lilith, let me know as soon as the first envelope arrives

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

the first envelope (priority) arrived this morning. thanks evert!


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

So soon!? Great! :) Finland and UK has really good postal network... :)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Do you get mail in saturdays too? Unfair... :( Funny if I think, sometimes a 1st class letter here in Finland takes 3 days to deliver. and usually 2 days sometimes a day. Ok, very interesting...

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

yeah, we get mail saturdays, but not sundays.. i've not received the second package yet, but i'll let you know when i do.


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