Savannah Holly Dropping Leaves

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure if this is a seasonal thing or not, but our Savannah hollies are dropping yellow leaves. They were planted 1 year ago and are about 8-10 feet tall. We live just north of Houston, TX. I chose these plants because I saw them in all types of locations and they always looked so healthy. Not sure if we're overwatering, or what. Any help would be great. Thnx

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

How often are you watering? I don't grow hollies so I can't tell you if they're supposed to do that or not, but assuming they're not supposed to drop their leaves, overwatering would be my first suspect. But it's also possible that it's normal leaf drop--many evergreen plants though do drop some leaves at some points of the year, they just don't lose them all at once like deciduous trees do. Hopefully someone who's grown hollies will come along and let you know if it sounds normal or not.

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