Seed ID please

Fort Worth, TX

Can any of you ID this seed? I was told it was from a vine that had huge blooms. The seed itself is about the size of a pea and is flat. Does it look familiar? I'm going to plant it but I sure would like to know what it is. Thanks for all guesses.

Thumbnail by bluesmaven
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)


Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

I have seeds like that right now & they're hummingbird vine seeds. They've been very hard to germinate, but I finally have a couple sprouting.

Fort Worth, TX

Thanks y'all! I think it is podranea more likely. I thought my boyfriend's son said it had pink blooms but I didn't say that in my post because I wasn't sure I didn't just picture that in my mind. It makes sense anyway. Now I'll be disappointed if it's not. LOL I can't wait till they come up! Thanks y'all!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

If the flowers were pink then yes, probably podranea. There really are quite a few flowering things that have seeds like this though. Only one way to truely find out ;O} I have a few podranea seedlings growing....they are sloooow. I should move them to a sunnier spot lol

Fort Worth, TX

Well maybe once mine seedlings pop up we can compare again.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Great idea!

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

They look like Trumpet vine........Were they in a long pod?

Fort Worth, TX

I don't know how they were, the seeds were given to me in a baggie. From what I have read it takes a while for them to come up so here I go hurry up and wait. LOL

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