Bluebird thread Number 5

Stafford County, VA

Here is a shot of Mama, in one of her brief moments outside the nestbox today.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another view

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And another, but not the best focus

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And Papa, on watch

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here he is, amid the spooker strips

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another shot of Papa

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And a frequent visitor is back

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Marlton, NJ

Wonderful pics Dave!

Papa looks right at home w/ the Sparrow Spooker.

The Tufted Titmouse shot is great!

Stafford County, VA

Another non-bluebird shot. This one taken a few minutes ago in my in-law's yard, at Baltimore.


Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I love all of your or non-blue, they are beautiful.

Orchard Park, NY

Dave, your photos really are stunning. It's impressive the way you've caught the cardinal with his crest up, and glancing over his shoulder. Is photography your profession?

Stafford County, VA

Profession? No. Obsession? Some think so.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Headed back to the nest.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Marlton, NJ

Lovely shot!

Orchard Park, NY

Obsession? Well, thank you very much for feeding mine! Looking forward to today's bb antics.

Hebron, KY


Beautiful photos!


Stafford County, VA

Sort of a dismal, overcast day hereabouts. Kind that makes the birds worry all day that it's getting dark, I guess. Anyway, they were all lined up for meal worms, all day long. Lots of photo opportunities for shots of Papa, since he has decided they are his worms and to chase away all birds his size or smaller (And he apparently thinks he's as big as a cowbird or a starling!)

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Front view

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

A wee bit mad

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Here's Mama on one of her brief visits outside the nestbox. She's expecting, You know...

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And here's Papa bringing her lunch.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another shot of Mama. She does look tired.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another visitor

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

I put this bowl out with mealworms for the bluebirds. Look who showed up.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Check out the tongue action in this one.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Finall, he decides to get up ON the dish

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

And he does

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another frequent visitor

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Hi Dave - is that some sort of warbler? Don't recognize it. Your Red Bellied pics are great!

I was cleaning out bb boxes on my cemetery trail today & thought I heard a bb - I hope not, as it's still too cold here and.......snow expected tomorrow!! How wrong is THAT.

Marlton, NJ

Great pics Dave! I love the Red-bellied Woodpecker along w/ the Carolina Chickadee and the Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Can't forget those Blues; lovely!

Stafford County, VA

Yes, Muddylou, it is a yellow rumped warbler. Commonly known as a butter-butt. He comes by every spring and stays 2 or 3 weeks, then moves on. Same way with an Eastern Phoebe. He hasn't shown up yet this year, but has stopped off the past several years

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 12:31 AM

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 12:43 PM

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Ha! I love it - butter butt! Guess where Butter Butt and Eastern Phoebe end up? At my cabin!! (along the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota). The forest there just teems with warblers in the summer. We've had a phoebe couple nesting under our cabin eaves for the past 5 or so years (but sadly not last year....I saw them around, but did not spot the nest). I find warbler ID to be extremely difficult - they tend to be small & FAST.

Stafford County, VA

Very wet here this morning. Nice time for Mama to be inside the nestbox. No such shelter for Papa.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Or for the chickadee

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Another shot of wet Papa

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Get out the blowdryer!!!!!!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey, that blue on the bluebird is Cubs blue! And he looks like he's been at Wrigley Field today in all the rain! Yes, I have opening day fever!! I want to photoshop in a Cubs logo oh his breast. LOL.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Oh wow! Is it really opening day at Wrigley? Gosh, sometimes I miss living there. :)
Dave, amazing pictures! Maybe instead of "obsession," "hobby" would be a more complimentary word? :)

Hebron, KY

Beautiful pics Dave!

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful! I do so love the bluebirds. We do not get any of them at our feeders but we have probably a dozen or more cardinals.

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