Weight Loss Challange March 29 - April 5

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

At last the week will end in a month I can actually expect to get some outside work done. I really think that is the time I will start to get my weight back down to the proper level. I really do not use the gazelle much anymore tho I get the stretching exercises done daily. Some with resistance bands. I've managed to be more active the past week with the kitchen project. That is going to take a few days just by itself.

My hours at the cafe' have been cut again so I'll be on the job hunt for hours somewhere else to replace them. Can't keep going on what I'll make there on Friday nights. I found some ads in the local paper last night that I will check intol. One is for part time at my favorite garden center. I'll have to see what the hours are. No phone calls so I have to go to town to check it out. Another is for in home housecleaning thru an agency. I like that one I think because it lets me set my own hours to some degree. I know I will likely have to not go to the food bank to volunteer as much with either one. I am going to protect my day at PG as much as possible. And my weekends. I like cleaning house for others. It inspires me to come home and do more with mine.

It is pretty nice and warm this morning. It's a shame I'll be spending most of the day inside working on the kitche. But the end result will be worth it. I may be able to open the windows a bit but it may not be that warm. I can't have the heaters coming on to heat the outdoors. Maybe I can divide the day between outdoor and indoors.

Breakfast was a slice of toast with p. butter and a few bites of chicken and rice. I have some smoked turkey in the 'fridge I need to use for lunch or supper. There is enough of the chicken and rice to make a meal for me. I am going to put a couple each carrots and celery stalks thru the VitaMix and add that to the can of tomato juice I have. Maybe some onion and garlic. My own version of V8 juice. lol.

One of my cats has been sneaking into my room and spending time in hiding in there. She was there all day yesterday while I was at work. I am so tired of her behaviors I think I will have no problem disposing of her. We have had her since she was a tiny kitten and her behaviors have always been somewhat unacceptable at times. But since Jack is gone she is getting worse and I've just had all I can put with. She attacts other cats for no reason and then runs off and hides because she knows I will punish her. I either look and look until I find her or just wait, fuming, until she comes out acting as tho she is the one who has been wronged. Now this sneaking into my bedroom and hiding so I wake up with headaches from the allergies. I had a deck tray of seedlings in there to keep the cats from digging in it and she used it for her litter box yesterday killing them. Last straw. Now she is lying on the chair in the living room beside me sulking because I chased her out after she sneaked in again this morning. If I put the cats outside I have to watch very carefully because she will run back inside at the first opportunity. And hide from me. The main reason I haven't gotten ride of her long ago is because she is Kyle's favorite cat. But she will not stay at his place. They tried when they got married and she came home everytime she could sneak out the door. Since they only live a few hundred feet away it wasn't a long & dangerous trip. lol. A very determined to have her own way cat. But so very loveable in an almost neurotic way. You can see the mental illness/angry with the world but not sure why look in her eyes most of the time. I'm also going to have to get rid of Geraldine's cat. She is a bird killer and I know she will go after baby chickens this summer. She already tried to kill one of the babies I have in the house one day. Lovely cat, well behaved except for thinking she can sit on the stove, cabinets, table, etc. because Geraldine let her do it. I thought I had her broke of that but since spring is arriving she is getting more and more active and out of hand again. I think if I was rid of those two life would be calm around here. At least rid of 2 almost constant irritations. But then, if I stopped bringing in new cats Kelly probably wouldn't be so misbehaved. It was when I started getting new kitties the summer after Jack left us that she really got bad. Losing her beloved master really hit her hard and all these new cats is just too much for her little sick mind. We have had 4 or 5 new cats come and go or stay since she lost him. She has finally accepted old Frankie, and poor timid little Megan just knows to hide and stay away from her as much as possible. Guy turned out to be a chicken killer so he had to go last summer. Now maybe if I get rid of Bethany she will feel less threatened.

Pepple, how are you doing now? Still state side? Where is your son? I think I remember he is in college but don't remember where. What is he studying?

Ally, what condition are the bales in now? If they are toatlly rotted they will make good mulch or soil amendments for your garden. What did you have to use to start the decaying process for planting in them? I need to go read the forum/thread on that again. Not that there are any bales around here that I'm aware of. Everyone around here seems to do the large round bales.

Debbie, I'm glad to hear your parents are home and doing as well as can be expected considering their ages and heatlth problems. They are so blessed to have a daughter who looks after them so lovingly. Some of those southern dishes you talk about make my mouth water. Jambolyia(?), etc. As long as there is no hot spices in them. I did find that one recipe that I made and liked. Must find it and do that again. I like dishes with rice in them. Have you ever made Glorified Rice? It was popular many many years ago. Cooked rice, whipped topping, and drained canned fruits. One of those last minute salad/desserts that made use of convenience products like Minute Rice, canned fruits, and whipped topping. Only back then the whipped topping was a powder in a bag that you added cold milk to and whipped with the mixer. Cool Whip wasn't out then or not that popular anyway. I'm getting hungry for some of it. I have everything I need to make it. I always keep cooked brown rice in the freezer in 1/2 cup potions.

Sue, I feel so badly for you couped up in that small apartment with sick children and bad weather. It is no wonder you are having depression and eating problems. I pray for you daily that GOD will move in your behalf and get you out of there and on to your farm. You have such wonderful and grand plans for it. I see myself at your age to some degree. Only my children would probably be abused and I would be in a mental ward if I was in your situation.

Anna, spring will be here soon. Then at least there will be some sunshine to help your moods. I have a feeling you suffer from SAD disorder. It seems to be so common nowadays since we humans spend so much of our time indoors. But you do have your compititions to look forward to and now you have a wonderful dance instructor to spend time with. I know this may sound silly and not something you want to think about or deal with, but do you get enough good restful sleep every night? Is it possible that you have sleep apnea and aren't getting the rest you need even tho you think you spend enough hours in bed each night? That could easily explain some of the issues I see in your posts. Just trying to help, dear one. I know your plate is filled to over flowing and you are still dealing with the shoulder injury to some extent. But you can either hurt or heal. And if you don't get enough restorative rest on a regular basis you will not heal so that means you will continure to hurt. And be tired and moody, irritatied with life in general, etc. My hat is off to you for what you do get done.

Susan, what is on the schedule for this weekend? I know you spend most of it with your DH which is wonderful. If more couples did that there would be fewer divorces.

Donna, how is life on your playing field? Are you structurally capable of size 10 pants? I would love to wear a 6 but my body frame will not allow anything smaller than 8 and usually 10s. There are some obsticles we just cannot overcome in this weight/clothes size fight. But you have come so far that it is wonderful and I am thriilled for you.

My goal is to be healthy as well as within my weight limits. So I take huge amounts of vitamins and try to eat the best I can manage. Which isn't too good at times. I haven't had a binge in a few nights now. I ask GOD to help me with that. I really hate them. I always feel like I have a brick in my stomach the next morning and am half sick most of the day. Often a headache from too many carbs too.

The kitchen work is calling. GOD bless and keep each of you.

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