Over laying Button quail hen.

Talihina, OK

I have four button quail, two pair. I noticed that I was getting an extra egg every day when I collected. I put them in cages by pairs to see what was going on. I was pretty sure my white one was a male but wasn't positive. When I checked the next day there were two eggs in that one cage. I took the white one out and put him and the other two back in the flight pen. A couple of days later, sure enough there were two eggs in the cage with only one bird. Everyday since she has laid two eggs and I collect everyday so I know they aren't there from the day before. The funny thing is that the eggs always look identical, if they are kinda greenish, or speckeled or whatever. Why is she doing this or is it common in Buttons. Is there anything I need to do, or not do? Thanks for any insight.

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