PVC Rings for TeePee Type Trellis'

Mesilla Park, NM

Okay, this is what I came up with because of time constraints.. some of these plants grow so fast that you have to pot them up immediately or they climb and get tangled quick.

DH cut this pvc pipe into rings about 1 inch wide and I just slipped them right over the bamboo sticks.. they work like a charm, and I don't see why we couldn't leave them in throughout the growth of the plant.. this is the first time I try this, so, I'll know more later in the season whether I like them or not. I sure hated tying and untying the wire ties at the end of the season, hopefully all we have to do is yank out dead vines. You would still have to wind/tie the mg stem (I use straws) to keep them where I want them.

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