Winter sowing

New Boston, NH

Would morning Glories do well with sowing on the snow.If one does sow is it ok to mulch or cultivate when the snow goes?Sounds dumb maybe I am.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Well depends on the MG but they are supposed to be an annual. So no, they would not like the snow....but i have had some old fashioned ones fall off my fence in the fall and sprout up in the what do I know. LOL You can start theminside if you want, or direct sow as soon as it's warm enough. I have one growing in the house right now, I started it about a month ago.

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Don't call yourself dumb, Peter! Smart people ask questions to learn. That's you!

I would start my MGs outside after the last frost. Don't mulch or cultivate.


New Boston, NH

Yes,I will wait til frost is past if it happens this year.Starting things in a house with 8dogs and two boys is almost impossible.We also have some that self seed of course it is a variety I'm not keen on that was why I wondered about sowin in the snow.

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