Needing jasmine advice, please

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I got two one-gallon pink jasmines at WalMart. They were already flowering (YES, I KNOW!) and I planted them four days ago below some cattle panels nailed to my back fence. A little shock has set in which of course was expected. My question is whether I should prune them and how much, and any details a jasmine person could give would be much appreciated.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Unless you lost a bunch of roots in the process of transplanting them I don't think you need to prune them--just watch the watering and if your days are really hot already it might help to rig up a little shade for them during the heat of the day, but they should recover fine. Pruning is often employed when you dig up an existing plant from the garden and move it, when you do that you tend to lose a large chunk of the roots so it helps to reduce the top growth accordingly. But when moving from a container to the garden typically most of the roots come along for the ride, so you shouldn't need to reduce the top growth.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much! I hope they grow. They smell SOOOO good.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LIttle bit of the Miracle Grow Quick Start and/or fish emulsion help transplanted plants adjust as well

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Fish emulsion! I just used it up and meant to get some more.

Putting it on list now -- Thanks!

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