From Butterfly & Hummer Forum (Butterfly feeder)

Mesilla Park, NM

Got the instructions from the Butterfly and hummer forum.

Used a piece of wood, didn't have a log with bark.

I used a piece of broken wine barrel and drilled holes on the sides, used some plant labels on the ends to make a catch for the chain. then used a meat skewer for the top, just bent the ends with pliers.

Recipe: 1 lb. mashed bananas
1 lb. brown sugar
1 bottle/can beer (Guinness Stout) I used Guinness Draught that's all I could find

Blend these together and store in a container, opening the lid often because it expands as it ferments..

I just put a little on the top of the wood, don't know how long it will take the butterflies to find this bait. But, a white sulfur made to "U" turns , that Lush!!

Here is #1 feeder

I used left over chains from my grow lights..

Thumbnail by Gourd
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