What's been eating my liatris ?

Pound Ridge, NY

Moles or voles or whatever?? Last fall I left too much leaf litter pile up on a bed of liatris, coreopsis and perovskia. Spring cleaning this weekend uncovered little gullies [not tunnels, more like WWI foxholes] between the liatris clumps, and the bottoms of the big bulbs [not the little offshoots] were chewed up(1-2 in circular gnawing). Should I still be looking for creatures or have I exposed them to the frigid night air and they've moved elsewhere? Have not had other burrowing rodent problems before, though we do have mice and squirrels in abundance.

Any suggestions? [Yes, I know I shouldn't have left the leaf litter there or I should have shredded it, but it keeps blowing all winter from the surrounding woods.]

Pound Ridge, NY

After a little more research, concluded it was voles. Here are the "runways"

Thumbnail by barbgers
Pound Ridge, NY

And here is the damage... Anyone have luck with repellents?

Thumbnail by barbgers

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