Is this possibly a species?

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

I saw this in someones garden today, just down the road and now I'm wondering if I found a hippeastrum species or if it's a cultivar. The people who live there are very poor and there's no way they would be buying these bulbs, and especially not here. I've never seen this one growing anywhere around here before, not that that means anything. Next time I see the people, I'm going to ask them to please let it go to seed and then give them to me, lol!

Thumbnail by vanillaman
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Whatever it is, it's gorgeous!

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

Thanks kniphofia, I think so too! I don't know my hippies from my crinums, but I think it might be a native species.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

It looks like H. vittatum tweedianum, but as stated below the pic the poster couldn't tell it apart from H. vittatum. H. vittatum is very variable and has been in cultivation for a long time, with perhaps some being crosses but strongly resembling H. vittatum.

The one in your pic does look different to other H. vittatum I have so far seen. Get some seed definitely, it's very desirable!

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

Thanks a lot wallaby1! I think you've almost "nailed" it. Now I'm getting excited to be so close to a possible indigenous species (assuming it's indigenous). I couldn't get a good look at the clump or how many bulbs were actually in it. I wonder if there's a possibility of a division or if there are any bulblets growing. I just walked down to my neighbourhood Convenience Store and looked at the plant again. There was no one around so I couldn't ask about it. Maybe I can offer the people $5 and dig up the whole plant/bulbs lol! Five dollars here is a lot of money and will probably be very tempting. Better still, I could trade them one of my "dogs" that I don't like! People here just stick these things in the ground or when they find thing in their natural habitat, have no qualms whatsoever about pulling them out of the ground or off trees to take home.

Thanks again, I think you deserve a seed or 2 if you're interested!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh yes I would bite your arm off for a few seeds, lol! It's one I am very fond of, along with a few other species of course.

H. vittatum var. tweedianum is from Bolivia, brazil and Peru,

Given your Central America location it's quite possible someone in the very distant past was part of a collection expedition to South America, wouldn't that be exciting!

This message was edited Mar 23, 2008 9:23 PM

Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

The long tube indicates that it is indeed the species knight star lily H.vittatum (perhaps subspecies mentioned above, respectively) - and not a simple heirloom hybrid.
Elegant flowers - the owner can feel lucky to possess that treasure.

This message was edited Mar 23, 2008 7:22 PM

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

Unfortunately the present owners haven't got a clue what they have there. To them it's just a flower they stuck on the side of their embankment. I'm sure their dog is going to trample on it soon because it runs right up to the edge, beside this plant, in order to bark at passersby! As I mentioned in my other post, hopefully soon it will have a proud new owner who will appreciate it, lol! Is 5 bucks too much to offer for it?

Here's another pic with less zoom.

Thumbnail by vanillaman
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

It might be their favourite flower too, so I would approach carefully to see what they think of it. I see there are other plants, a rose next to it, but it may have been someone else who planted up the garden originally so they might not be bothered.

I would offer them $10, that might tempt them more to part with it. If they want to keep it then offer them $5 for an offset if it has one, whatever, you need to get it, lol. A good sales ploy would be to give a choice, either $10 whole plant or $5 for an offset, that doesn't leave it open ended.

They might get suspicious if you seem too keen, so tell them you collect this type of bulb and you happen to like it.

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

They most likely WILL be suspicious. People here don't do things like this, lol! These people are an elderly couple and there garden is a collection of various shrubs and bulbs mostly, such things as Agapanthus, Hemerocallis flava, Azaleas, Camellias, Crotons, "Mass canes", Yuccas, lots of weeds, and a few roses thrown in. They recently hacked everything back to about 2/3 ft., which is a very common practice here. Costa Ricans are always out there with their machetes, hacking away at everything in sight!

Thanks for those suggestions though wallaby1. You're right, it might be their favourite flower. I haven't really thought too much about a "plan of attack" lol, but was going to start out first by simply complimenting them on it, as well as how beautiful their garden is, and then asking if possibly I could have some seeds from it. Actually I've been meaning to ask them for a while, for a couple of cuttings from their large white tropical azalea bush. The ones here are very fragrant, like jasmine! Then, if they seem ok with the seeds, I would survey the plant to see how it looks for a division or an offset at least. I've only viewed it from about 20 ft. away at this point, from the sidewalk. I'm almost certain they won't have a problem with the seeds, but a bulb or offset may be tricky. Wish me luck, I may see someone out and about tomorrow and come home with good news! I'll update this thread when I know.

By the way, just to put things a little more in perspective for you. For $10, you can get a bus ticket to Panama City or Managua, or feed 2 people for a week, at least! That wouldn't be out of the question to pay that much, but it would be top dollar in any sort of bartering, and they would feel like they really pulled one over on me, which is ok lol! It would still be a "win/win" situation I think.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Go for it vm,never any harm in asking and more than likely you will get your seeds/bulb..particularly with a little money enticement.It certainly is a beautiful species/cultivar and if you don't ask you will kick yourself later on if you see it gone from there(It has happened to me before!)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

What a gorgeous flower vanillaman. The species hips are my favorites. It sounds like these people like their plants; perhaps you could sweeten the deal with a gift of something from your garden.

If money goes so far there maybe an offer of $10 would make them suspicious. I'd try $5 and a plant for starters.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

cinco dolares.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


I think it looks like a species, possibly vittatum or a variant, and is worth a barter, trade, or purchase offer. You might see about pollinating some of those flowers. Many species are self-sterile and require pollen from an unrelated clone (of the same species) to set seed.

Vittatum usually has a scent, so you might check that out.

There are native species in Costa Rica and bulbs, both hybrids and species, have been grown there for marketing in the US, etc. in the past. There's no telling what you might discover, so keep looking for more treasures.


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lol, plan of attack is definitely needed! A delicate situation for sure. I think as you say vanillaman, start off with a compliment and request for seeds, but also tell them that you grow this type of bulb and even make yourself look a little silly if needs be, such as you fall in love with every different one you see and can't resist them. By compliments, as well as getting on common grounds with growing the same type of plants as they do you will bring them on your side, making an instant friend. Compliment them on other plants they grow too, that shouldn't be difficult if you want a cutting of the azalea. As ardesia said, you could offer something in return from your garden for the cuttings.

The $10 offer might make them suspicious, but then again it might be too good an offer to refuse. You could tell them that is what you would have to pay for a bulb elsewhere so you want to be fair and offer them the same price. If you start at $5 then increase it to 10 that could make them suspicious too, they would really start to wonder why you want it so much! I'm starting to sound very devious, lol, but I have been in sales and know the tricks, not that I used them like some did deviously.

Of course tell them you would hate to deprive them of their lovely plant and that you wouldn't want to do that if it was their favourite plant. The decision has to be entirely theirs, your desire has to be their gift even if you are paying for it. Once you have asked the question, silence is essential to let them get their minds to grips with their decision. Any more talking at that point can kill the deal.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, this is starting to get verrrrrry interesting; I can't wait for the ending. :-)))))

Go for it. I'm jealous. Don't open at the most you're willing to pay. You could also get another plant, and offer to trade, and plant it in their yard in exchange for taking some of theirs. Barter might make more sense to them than cash.

Let us know how it turns out.

San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica(Zone 12b)

This is too funny! Thanks for all the suggestions and strategies lol. I'm starting to feel nervous now like I'm going on stage to perform or something. Better rehearse my lines! Yes, quite devious indeed wallaby1.

Sorry there is no ending yet. I took a few more pics today and looked for signs of life, but no one was around. I snooped around a little more as well, and saw a couple more Hippies that I couldn't see before. Looks like there may be another species growing right beside the house!

Anyway, I'll eventually talk to the people and will take all your hints into consideration as how to approach them. The fact is that I'd still be happy, just with the seeds, which I doubt there will be a problem with, unless they cut off the flowers beforehand. In any case, I want to ask them not to do that before it's too late! Here is another photo of their garden with the Hippi growing there beside the walkway on the left. I also noticed that it is growing right at the erosion line and it's very possible the whole clump will slide down onto the road after our next rainy season begins in May!

Thanks for all the input everybody!

Thumbnail by vanillaman
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I can't wait to find out what happens! :)

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