Help worms?

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Help Please...I am posting pictures here of what is in my peach trees we have removed some by hand but they keep coming back what are they and how do I get rid of them?

Thumbnail by Mibus2
(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

this one isn't as clear but you can see the worm /catapillar in there heading towards to top to go out
it looks more like a spider web but I know it isn't'...

As I am postin g this Dh is taking a pole and burning the bags on the trees. *sigh* Help is needed fast so he doesn't ruin the trees

Thumbnail by Mibus2
North Hills, CA

Looks like a web from some one of these guys.
Did you try spraying your trees with one of the biological sprays that make them stop eating so they die...
The Caterpillar killer by safer says it kills gypsy moth
larva,budworms,bagworms,spanworms,spring and fall canker worms,and other leaf eating caterpillars.
it gets cabbage worms,cabbage loopers,tomato hornworms.....
Use 1-4 teaspoons per gallon of water.Doesn't hurt anything else.
8 oz. was $9.00 last season.

6 tsp. =1oz. 8oz.=48 tsp.

So thats 12 gal. of spray at 4 tsp. per gal. which is the high dose.
Whats good is it kills ALL types of caterpillars and nothing else.
Won't hurt tweety birds earthworms,dogs,cats, etc.

It worked for me with loopers or cabbage worms on my horseradish last year.

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the help
I kept searching the web yesterday after I posted to try and find something I could do without driving into town since I had just been in there and found a link that of course I didn't bookmark dang it but it said they were tent worms and to use ordinary soap mixed with water and spray them so I did, but I am going to town today and see if I can find the spray.

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