Hammered penny windchimes...

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Since my silverware windchimes are still bringing me much enjoyment
at the slightest breeze, I thought I would take this opportunity to bring you
my latest project.

Penny wind chimes.

Before we begin, I'll put up the umbrella so there isn't anyone
raining on my parade. While there are laws written regarding
destruction of U.S. currency, two particular sections of the United
States code may pertain to the subject, but do not apply.

Speaking from my own legal perspective, it would be difficult
to prove the criminal intent behind wind chimes.

Now let's have fun.

First let me mention, stress, and drive home the safety factor. I do
not suggest anyone run to your local train tracks to place pennies.
I only place pennies in a secure location when NO trains are in
sight or sound.

The holes in the pennies were caused by the train. I've squished a few
dollars' worth, and picked out those with holes, strung them on fishing
line and hung them from the plant hanger on the front porch.

The slightest breeze sends them tinkling. Now while they don't sound like
fine crystal, I'm amused and like them.

Some pennies flatten beyond recognition, some are clearly visible, yet
enlarged, having been run over and over and over before falling off the

Thought I would share.

Karen Marie

This message was edited Mar 21, 2008 12:23 PM

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