Deer Fencing...

Dundee, IL

Finally, after three years of loosing the battle I'm gonna fence in part of my yard with some Deer Fencing. Anyone here have any experience with it? Did you install it yourself or pay to have it installed. I'm 5'4" but my hubby is 6'2". Can the two of us install it? How long should it take?

Eventually I'd like to get the whole lot (2.4 acres) fenced in but for now will start with the back half. We need about 330 linear feet with a few access gates.

Any ideas, suggestions, or sharing of experience is appreciated.

Thanks - Vicky

Eureka, CA

Good luck Vicky! I totally understand where you're coming from. So disheartening to lose the things you care so much for. Sorry I don't have any answers to your fence questions, but thought I'd at least share "I feel your pain"!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've never put up deer fencing, but I can't think of any sorts of fences that DIY'ers can't put up on their own if they want to, so unless one of you is physically unable or significantly "DIY challenged" I don't see why you couldn't do it yourselves.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Oh I TOTALLY feel your pain, the deer here will eat anything. I put up seasonal deer fencing around my vegetable and berry gardens and it's super easy, even for the mechanically challenged like me. :) I use the black plastic mesh deer fencing that comes in a roll, and just string it up on those green metal poles that you can stand on to sink into the ground. The poles are only 6' tall and the mesh is 7', so you might want to consider extending the height of the poles (lashing a dowel to the top should do it). (The recommended height for deer fencing is 7'...deer will just hop over anything that is shorter.) The fence doesn't have to be particularly understanding is that the deer won't try to push it over because they don't want to get tangled in the mesh.

You could also construct a more permanent fence using posts sunk in cement and welded wire...again, not terribly difficult, except for digging fence post holes. You should easily be able to google simple instructions online. You might want to start with the deer mesh as a quick fix while you work on a more permanent fence.

If you have particular gardens or plants that you would like to protect in a limited area I find that Liquid Fence works reasonably well too, although the deer will ignore it if they are hungry enough.

Good luck! :)

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