Memories of Maine winters...

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I can't keep up with all of these threads so someone may have posted this, but if not I thought I'd share! I receive newsletters from Downeast Magazine and the most recent mentioned the 95 inches of snow this winter - boy am I glad I moved!!!! Anyhow they offered this video to "celebrate spring and wave farewell to winter". Surviving a Maine winter: Ice 101

Oh the memories... waiting for those "flags" and of course the day I disappointed my father when I just HAD to see for myself if one of his holes was "really" frozen over! LOL He had to yank his traps and take me and my frozen feet home early :( Another interesting video: Where a Steamy Book Met a Scenic Town with "inside" information about the movie, Peyton Place...Camden will probably always be my favorite town in Maine :) Enjoy!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

RCN, It is actually up to 99.6" of snow in Portland, I live in Central Maine and we have gotten 113" and way up in Andover , Maine they have recieved over 180" of snow! I wish I wasn't here this winter too!! LOL
I haven't been ice fishing in several years but it used to be fun. Thanks for the links!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Where in ME did you grow up, Debbie?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Yikes Celeste, that's a lot of snow!!! The largest amount of snow in just one storm that I remember was the blizzard of '62 - snowed for three or four days without stopping. As a youngster I remember watching the snow levels climb to the middle of the windows and for weeks we walked through "tunnels" on the sidewalks to school! Of course there were plenty of "bad" winters, but I'll never forget the storm of '62. My father was one of the few people who actually made it to work during the storm. He walked...10 miles, maybe more? One of the local cops stopped to ask him where he was going - no one was on the roads at that point! Sounds like you're having one of those good, old winters that Maine always used to have!

Victor, grew up in Bangor but lived most of my "adult life" in Winterport. Which reminds me, I've been thinking about your trip to Maine :) I had a few suggestions for your visit if you're interested? There's a lovely little nursery that's not far from where you'll be staying, used to be a great Mexican restaurant nearby, and one of my favorite gardens, Vesper Hill Chapel, not too far away in Camden is a lovely spot for a picnic. Not sure what the family will be up for, but let me know and I'll try to find more information :)

Northport, ME(Zone 5b)

Debbie, I guess one could say we're neighbors of a sort....I'm in Northport; here for 11 years now.
Being a native New Englander, I'm pretty used to snow, but this winter has been soooo long. Last Febuary, I had a metal roof put on the house; which turned out to be a great move. All that snow slid off the roof and piled up next the old fieldstone foundation (the house was built in 1800) and insulated the first floor.
I dislike snow intensely, but for once some good came out of it!

When you speak of Vesper Hill Chapel, is that the same place as what's referred to as Children's Chapel in Rockport? It's an amazing place; I can remember walking the grounds in Spring with Frank...I have not been there for quite some time and I should re visit it this year. Leslie

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Gosh - I've been to Camden.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'll look into Vesper Hill - thanks Debbie.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Al, where HAVEN'T you been?? LOL

Leslie, YES, I forgot about the "Children's" part - Vesper Hill Children's Chapel :) The first time I visited maybe 20 years ago? you could actually see the bay from inside the Chapel, but my last visit in 1999 the trees had grown so much that the view was blocked! It's such a pretty drive in the surrounding area there as well - on the way there's the farm with the belted galloway cows which were always fun to see :) Not sure how much development has taken place in that area - the last time I was there was just after Charles ???, the CEO of MBNA, had built his HUGE mansion :(

Victor, keep in mind that the chapel is a very popular spot for weddings in the summer, so a weekend visit might not be the best time.

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