Evergreen possibly???

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Ok, so I am building a rather large pergola in an L shape. Each being 24 feet long. I wanted to plant a vine to use as cover for shade and was thinking about a clematis. So I started searching to find the best one. It would get a LOT of sun and one side of the L shape is closer to the house so it would get some shelter during the winter. We are in zone 7B. I was thinking Clematis Armandii but every where I read it says that it drops its old leaves mid summer and to site the plant carefully because of this. Anyone have any advise on this? I'm really only after shade and obviously a group 1 clematis would mean little prunning needed. And the flowering is just a side bonus :) It doesn't have to be one of the huge flowers just something simple. And again the scent is just a bonus as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Kristen..You really should look into the Montana's which are also a pruning group 1 and get huge!!..I have two of then...Montana "Mayleen"
and Montana "Spooneri"
The one I think would fit the bill for you is Montana "TetraRose"
or Montana "Rubens"
Montana "Grandiflora"
I noticed Dan has "Mayleen" if you liked her as well!!..
The Montana's will lose their leaves during winter..but if you are like me..I don't mind because My winters are mild and I enjoy what bit of sun comes through on my Pergola..Also consider growing a climbing rose too!!...I have 6 climbing roses on my Pergola..one at each post combined with clematis and One Montana..can't wait till they overtake the thing...Hope this has helped...Jeanne

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