Challenge for you all...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I've posted this on the Plant ID Forum

I saw it over there but didn't have a clue! It sure is beautiful & so is your photograph! Good luck on the ID!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Some type of onion/leek. I pulled several today and they are mild-smelling, like a leek with a hint of garlic. Pretty, but I don't want them to become a problem, so I'll pull them after enjoying the flowers for a day or so.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Could they be replanted? I'm looking for things to put in a old cast iron bath tub I have at my fish tank and if you think they would work I would love to have some. I don't have much to trade but I would be glad to pay postage. Thanks Susan

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I'd be happy to send you some, Susan. They seem to wilt quickly, but since they are bulbs of a sort, perhaps they'd last in a damp bag through the mail. Want to give it a try?

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Yes I like trying new things. Let me know how much I will owe you and I'll get it in the mail. Thanks Susan

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Susan, I just pulled up the biggest bunch, so I will wait for another to develop and mail it to you - sooner rather than later because of the heat. Just send me loose postage in return when it comes. If you are not in the addy exchange, Dmail me your address.


Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I'm in the addy exchange. Susan

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