Just Lurking - Like a bump on a Vanda

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I lurk in this forum, afraid to show my ignorance. I have a lot of orchids, but don't really know much technically speaking. I have three Vandas. The two in the front yard have ugly foilage and the flowers are beautiful. The one in the back yard has nice foilage but it never flowers...Today I noticed this bump at the base of my vanda labled Ken Kalson Red Flame. What is it? Secondly, the orchids in the front yard are getting morning sun & afternoon shade. I fertilize them monthly. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Thumbnail by terichris
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Second photo

Thumbnail by terichris
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Terichris, don't worry about appearing ignorant. Few people are a sea of knowledge about ALL orchids. There are just too many. Some know more about more kinds of orchids (that would not be me). Also, as soon as you begin to feel more self-assured about knowing what you're talking about...well the real experts change things. Everyone I've meet here seems interested in learning and sharing first and foremost.

I have not grown Vandas since dinosaurs roamed the earth, but it looks like your Vanda is in birthing mode.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Do Vandas have pups?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Vandas do throw keikis from both the plant base or the spike. I think more commonly from the plant base. Usually (and this is just from memory) if a Vanda is going into spike mode it comes from a younger section of the plant where there is a leaf joint. This is coming at the older base, so I'm guessing that you might be having a baby. Although the prospect is exciting, orchids often do this as a response to less than ideal conditions/stress, which may account for your lack of flowers. My experience is that Vandas, in a native environment, do best when they look their worst (which is why I gave up growing them outside of Florida). Try giving it the same conditions as your blooming Vandas, although it might spend the immediate future nursing this baby and not bloom for a while.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I meant keikis but was in bromeliad lingo. Thanks. This is actually my most active bloomer. It blooms quite a bit. So should I continue to fertilize? Do you think it wants more or less sun? I have several orchid books, but none show the pregnant vanda! :)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

If this orchid has been doing all the right stuff, why fix what is not broken? If it is blooming and if, in fact this is a keiki (I'm just guessing here you know), then you should keep on doing what works. Here is an example of you being the expert and we are the learners. You have repeatedly bloomed a plant that, most of us outside of a tropical environment, consider difficult. Please continue to post pictures and ask questions. I think some of us can learn from you here. I can for sure.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Now I feel ridiculous! I think it is just a root.......

"Just a root" is not cause for feeling rediculous. Now when there's another bump, you can perhaps tell if it's a root or ...something else. Always learning.

I have resisted orchids for years, but a blue Vanda got me. Now I want hundreds! groan

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

A blue Vanda once got me too. One of my first orchids. So expensive...resulted in the construction of a greenhouse :). I don't know anyone who can grow them on a windowsill except Boojum.

You are in St Croix? Do you have good access to orchids there? Are they being moved between the islands, imported, or are they coming from Puerto Rico and Costa Rica? I am especially in love with the species orchids throughout this area. Are there many hybrids available where you live or do you have mostly species plants? We kept a sailboat in Tortola, BVI and I used to pick up stuff over there. Sorry in advance for all the questions, just excited.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, the bump has doubled in size in a week. It is larger around than the other roots, but I am certain that is what it is. That's good news! I still feel silly!

There are some wild orchids that live way high on rocky outcrops on the mountains. They grow in clumps, and have white flowers. Another kind is a sort of dendrobium sort, I don't know the name. It has small greenish flowers, a very rough(?) stem and climbs up tree trunks.

There's a hardware store with a garden section, and they stock orchids, I'll have to ask where from. There's an active Orchid Society with monthly meetings, and a nice show every year over President's birthdays holiday, used to be George Washington's birthday, Feb. 22.

Ten years ago I got all carried away with orchids, now I'm calling myself a recovering orchid owner!

Orchids can be mail ordered from a lot of places, Puerto Rico, Florida, and others.

I remember Andros in the Bahamas, gorgeous tall orchids with nice clumps of small purple blooms, terrestial, along the side of the road! Getting mowed occasionally!

Water here, rainfall, is unreliable, so any sort of long term gardening is a trick.

I worked for some wealthy folks for a while, they had a bed of huge Vandas growing under slats, between the house and cliff, protected from wind. The orchids were planted in gravel. They were well taller than my head, bloomed madly, and had roots from high on their stems to the gravel and rooted well into the gravel. I don't know anything about the bed, and there was no one to ask.

Am very tempted to plant my one Vanda in a big pot with large sized gravel.

And, Hooray for the bump! Let's hear what it turns out to be someday!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Molamola, thanks for the info. Sounds beautiful. I've always thought that Vandas cannot really be 'cultivated'...they seem to have a mind of their own! Either they cooperate or they don't has been my experience.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Look at how quickly this root has grown!

Thumbnail by terichris
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Besides us orchid folks, what other forum members spend months watching a root grow? I mean, anyone can grow flowers, but how many gardeners have a Vanda root like that? Anything growing in any direction on orchids is exciting!

I do not understand.

I dote on my Vanda like no other. I really love my little aloe that I've cared for -- for eight years, and he's saved me from many a burn.

But this new orchid...

I will not buy a hundred more orchids, I will not buy a hundred more orchids, I will not buy a hundred more orchids, I will not buy a hundred more orchids!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We know about vanilla orchids but I I suspect that some day we might learn the real secret (at least for us females)... they contain chocolate!!! What else could it be?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ha! I love new growth-roots, leaves, spikes-often even more than the flowers. I think it's the excitement of "possibility". It's a lot like being addicted to love, I'm afraid! Or maybe it's chocolate afterall.

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I guess you were looking for this, right?

Two little vandas growing out of the stem

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

mama vanda had two little ones a year (or two) ago and look at them now

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

and here's the whole family :-)

Thumbnail by fredrump
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Great examples. What happy plants you have!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Is that the plant that went through the hurricane? Yes, I was hoping for a baby Vanda. Oh well!!! It is interesting how much larger this root is in diameter than the other roots. My plant appears to be the the size of your babies. Yours are just a year old? they must love the spot they are in. Mine are getting too much sun. If I had trees I would move them! Thanks for sharing Fred.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Molamola, your goose is cooked! You will buy more Orchids..... just give up now, resistance is futile....
Looking nice, Fred!! Zone envy here!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I posted on Freecycle once that I was wanting to rescue anyones orchids that needed help. I actually got 2 responses....

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

Those are wonderful pictures. This is my big-mama vanda with bunch of kids that refuses to leave her side.

Thumbnail by mimianvy
Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

I counted around 5 keikis but they are so intertwined, there could be more.

Thumbnail by mimianvy
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

That is one awesome vanda!!!!!!!!!!
I'll bet is is gorgeous when in full bloom!!
You must post pics when it is.

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

yes that vanda is awesome. What do you do, if anything to get it so bushy. Mine grow longer and longer but not so much bushier and bushier. What and how often do you feed it or water it? Is it always outside under that tree?


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow!!! It is beautiful! How long have you had it? How old are the keikis? Thank you for sharing! Have the keikis bloomed?

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

I really wanted to say "APRIL FOOLS...TRICK PHOTOGRAPHY!!! But it's not. :P

I've had the monster vanda for about a year now. I do keep it under the oak tree most of the year and bring it into my spare bathroom when it goes below 50.

This is my feeding and watering routine for all my vanda's:

Peters 20-20-20/2 tsp per gallon with few drops of Super thrive once a week during warm seasons (cut back to a couple of weeks during the cooler seasons, if I remember)

Water everyday or every other day (more often when it's really hot)

Only the big mama has bloomed so far. Maybe this year more than one will bloom, I hope so. My DH also wants a green house to put his vanda's in during the cool months. It's getting way too heavy to bring it in and out of the house.

This is the big mama blooming last year.

Thumbnail by mimianvy
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

You are in the same zone as me according to your profile. Actually, we have been upgraded to zone 9a due to the climate change over the last 5 years.
I do the inside/outside thing with mine also, with minimal results, compared to you.
It must be the watering thing. Hard to water when freezing cold outside, then using the hose, the water is freezing cold. I mist mine daily with a sprayer, then, water thoroughly weekly.
Whatever you are doing is definitely working!!!!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Mimianvy and Fred those are some of the most beautiful Vandas I've ever seen. They always look so scorched in Miami and so limp up here.

Fred, what's growing further down your tree that looks a little like 'Moses in the Bullrushes' (Rhoeo)? Are they orchids? Is it what the poster a few posts down is asking to ID?

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Rhoeo--Moses-In-The-Bullrushes ???

Hmmm. Is that what that is? plant files only has Moses-in-the-basket.

There are two types in my garden one is short and thick and the other large and highly invasive. They grow everywhere even in the trees. I really don't mind and only cut them back when they climb beyond their borders. They keep reaching for the sun and want to grow in my lawn. I wish I knew the proper names for all these plants.

My sabal palm have lots of ferns and various other things growing in their old cut-off branches. All these things want is an occasional drink from the sprinkler system and they're off and running. I plan to plant many more orchid cacti in those areas. Presently I'm raising a bunch for that purpose.

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)


Orchid cactus would look beautiful. I saw a pix of that somewhere and it was way too awsome.


Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

Okay... Fred...

I just found the picture and it was yours!! LOL

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Same thing Fred. The thing is young Rhoeo (isn't that what those monkeys were saying in the Wizard of Oz? Either that or Oreo) can look like a monopodial orchid, but then it rounds out. Has white flowers at the base. That's what threw me. What color are your flowers? Fire up Google. There's a person here who needs help. If it's an orchid I've never seen I want to know what it is. Lord where does my brain go. Kathy, you're not alone here.


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I have about 20 orchids of which only 2 bloom regularly. I just built a greenhouse and it stays quite warm. Should I put my orchids in it during the summer or put them outside on the deck. They are presently in the house in a west window and the foliage is beautiful but no blooms. I need help. Elaine

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Unless you have a serious evaporative cooling system, I can't imagine being able to keep orchids down in Thomasville in a greenhouse during summer. After all, you're a hop skip and a jump from FL.


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

No I do not and that was why I asked the question. I figured it would be too warm during the heat of the day. I think I will probably move them out to the deck where there is a lot of light but shade except in the a.m. They would not get any direct sun. Thanks for your reply. Elaine

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