H. Ice Queen

Ewing, VA

Ice Queen from Royal Colors is the "perfect double white" for me...so far. This white double means business!

It's 281/2cm bulb gave out leaves and 2 scapes with 5 flowers/buds each. First scape is 7"tall, 2nd is 8"tall. No staking needed here. It's thick long lasting white flowers with NO trace of coloration (except for the pretty green eye)are 71/2"wide. Well behaved flowers do not stoop down even if the flowers are heavy and opened in poor light.

It is heavenly deserving it's own thread...


Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

A closer look...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

A different view...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

And compare with White Nymph...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I like the pure white of the Ice Queen. Mine is due to bloom in about a week.

Ewing, VA

Here is Ice Queen today with just 4 flowers open.

A beautiful white bouquet...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

And together with Pink Floyd and a "rescued" WM Appleblossom.

Thumbnail by mariava7
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Ice Queen is gorgeous!

Pink Floyd is especially charming amongst the biggies.


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