Weight Loss Challange March 15th - 22nd

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Good morning to all of you. It is lightly raining here. Temps in the upper 40s is what I think I heard the radio say. We need the moisture.

Breakfast was maltomeal with some oatmeal, p. butter, & Jack's sf hot choc. mix. I use nfdmp to make it, then about 1/3 c. of the French Vanilla coffee creamer to help cool it off so I could eat it. Took my meds, now just sitting here still half asleep.

Susan, how close to you was that tornado? I called your home but got the answering machine. Left a message. GOD bless you, dear one.

Hey, Tricia, where are you? We are getting very concerned about you, girl. Are you sick? Serious problems with the children? I remember they were sick a few weeks ago and wonder if you have the same thing. Please check in so we know you are ok. I pray you have not gone into a blue funk because you didn't win the competion. Just keep on working at it, you will win this battle.

Debbie, what did the doctor tell you when you went in last week?

Joann, that grandbaby is precious. Take lots of pictures as she goes thru the stages of life. They pass us by far too quickly, While we have the memories, pictures help us to share those memories with others.

Pebble, please check in. I'm assuming you are still in Thailand and maybe don't have access to computer's etc. Do you have anyone's phone #? You could maybe call quickly and let us know you are alright. Since you were so sick the last time we heard from you we are very concerned about you.

Anna, how are you holding up in these last hurrahs of winter. I think the official first day of spring is the 22nd. Lets watch and see if we really begin to see a change in the weather, ok? My siblings all spent most of their youth in the Chicago area. We moved to MO in '47 right after I turned 5. I've heard all kinds of reports of the winters in that areas.

Donna, walk a few miles for me, ok? I don't think my hips would take more than 1/2 a mile at a time. I know I don't walk as much as I should. The terrain on our drive is anything but flat so it makes walking more of a challange. And I just do not use the gazelle like I inow I should

Vic, I'm thinking of you. Enjoy the company. I'm glad you can get in your workouts and some walks. Pets can come in handy at times can't they?

I didn't go to sleep until after 2 this morning so I think I'll go turn the birds out and go back to bed. Nothing pressing going on today.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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