HELP! How bad are pickled jalapenos?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

DH dumped a jar of pickled jalapenos into our bucket of stuff-to-be-composted. I looked at the jar label, and the 3rd ingredient after the peppers and vinegar is salt. I know salted things shouldn't be added, but is this bad enough that I should either pick them out or toss the batch?

Thanks for any help!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

There won't be enough salt to harm your compost and it will leach out. Your compost will be fine.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Whew! Thanks, Zanymuse. I appreciate it!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Anytime . I know how precious out black gold is and the thought of wasting any part of it is like ripping out a piece of our heart!

Plano, TX

why can't salt go in a compost?

Greensboro, AL

Good question, Planolinda and Im not sure I know the answer.

But, salt kills vegetation and you want your compost to grow vegetation, so that sounds incompatible to me.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

This site explains salts in relation to soil and plants in plain english.

Plano, TX

very interesting--so salt is always in the soil and needed but excess salt is bad--it also said that any ammendment most likely adds salt to your soil--

Greensboro, AL

There is a difference between table salt NaCL and calcium or magnesium salts which are essential to soil.

The term "salt" in chemistry refers to compounds that are not acids.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks for that link, Zanymuse! About all I knew was that people would "sow the fields with salt" to completely render an area unfit for cultivation. I had no idea why, though, and now I know!

Always good to learn something new, especially when it's something useful!

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