March Daily Weather III, Spring a week away

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Remote chance of some showers tonight. What we really need is about an inch of rain.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 1:51 PM PDT on March 15, 2008
60 °F / 16 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 39%
Dew Point: 35 °F / 2 °C
Wind: 12 mph / 18 km/h / 5.1 m/s from the WSW
Wind Gust: 20 mph / 32 km/h / 8.7 m/s

Here are two pictures to compare. This picture was taken last summer. The rock is normally beside a pond, but here it is high and dry.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Now the pond is full.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

what a contrast!

(Zone 3b)

How pretty, Kelli~
Cool yet here with snow in the forecast.
Cloudy with isolated snow showers. Highs in the 30s. North to east wind 5 to 20 mph.
Local gusts to 35 mph.
Sidney~very interesting to see where you're working now. Are you outdoors?
TF~you've been busy; looks good.
Welcome, Kaly.
kwanjin~interesting weather for you, too.
MySharona~the photos you've posted, are the first I've seen of the car show. I've heard of it, but had no idea of all involved.
We had 4 moose in the yard yesterday, saw 3 others, so it was good for our guests visiting from Oregon to see them. And, Mt. McKinley was visible, too. Hatcher Pass was fantastic; pure blue sky and deep glittering snow. We're off to Fairbanks next week for a few days.
Palmer is down in the valley; taken from Hatcher Pass yesterday.

Thumbnail by kiska
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Warm and pleasant here today, highs in the upper sixties.

What a mess in the south - Alabama, Ga. and the Carolina's. Prayers for those who lost so much. You just cannot plan for a tornado.

(Zone 3b)

se_eds~sounds great after the winter cold/winds.
And so sorry to hear about the misery caused down there and loss of life.

Thumbnail by kiska
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

There is a member on here who was caught in the tornado that hit Altanta. I will post a link here in a sec.

Currently: 36°F Cloudy
Currently: 2°C Cloudy
Wind: North at 8 MPH
Humidity: 69%
Dewpoint: 27°F
Barometer: 30.03 inches
Wind Chill: 29°F
Wind: North at 12 KPH
Humidity: 69%
Dewpoint: -2°C
Barometer: 1017 millibars
Wind Chill: -1° C
Sunrise: 7:29 am
Sunset: 7:26 pm

This message was edited Mar 15, 2008 7:34 PM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

poor Jenks! poor Atlanta, & NY

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Morning all,
that twister was a doozy alright.
Tamara I want a real good hen named after me. I know you have to have one. I'll try to call tomorrow afternoon. ;)
I am working in and out of a precipitator on the 5th floor. We have a break area up there where I am setting up a coffee pot.
I go in at 5PM and we get off at 3:20AM. Tonight it was very warm and all the guys were down to T shirts and jeans as opposed to coveralls.
It's 72º right now at 4:12AM.
Having the kids over to help me out tomorrow at noon so I best get some shut eye.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Some snow/sleet to the south and west of us.

Currently: 27°F Clear
Currently: -2°C Clear
Wind: Northeast at 7 MPH
Humidity: 80%
Dewpoint: 21°F
Barometer: 30.16 inches
Wind Chill: 19°F
Wind: Northeast at 11 KPH
Humidity: 80%
Dewpoint: -6°C
Barometer: 1021 millibars
Wind Chill: -7° C
Sunrise: 7:27 am
Sunset: 7:27 pm

(Zone 5a)

Just checking in to say "Hi!" - I'm hopelessly behind, don't think I'll ever get caught up! lol I've been sick with the flu since Monday :-( and I'm still sick. As my luck would have it DH was away on business until yesterday so it's been a rough week to say the least ....... The weather's been gorgeous all week, lots of sunny or partly sunny days with little wind and daytime temps around 35°F. Makes beeing stuck inside all the worse ......

Spring is definately on it's way - the snow is getting very patchy after all this sun and there are crocus starting to bloom :-) I'm hoping this nasty flu will soon be over so I can get outside! I'm getting cabin fever here .......

Hope you all have a wonderful day.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Rann, sorry you are sick. take care so you can get back up to speed!

sidney, if purlepetunia/best chick is a hen, she will be Sidney! though the name sounds more appropriate for a Black Australorp... i will think on that... we'll have many more hatching Easter weekend! could get one today too...

Here are the BAs [Australian chooks] with our Jersey Giant roo, "Jaco the Giant", ranging in the goat pen...

oh, the weather is dampness in the air. i bet it's 20% in the house LOL. very overcast and cool! wind blew and blew last night. It is March here for sure. we usually have rain on St. Patty's day, and snow the following week...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I hope you get to feeling better soon, Rann.

We got a trace of rain yesterday evening. About all it did was wash the pine tree pollen off the roof.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 11:51 AM PDT on March 16, 2008
57 °F / 14 °C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 32%
Dew Point: 27 °F / -3 °C
Wind: 9 mph / 15 km/h / 4.1 m/s from the North

I was bitten by a tick yesterday. That was totally revolting. There will be no more springtime hiking without insect repellant.

chocolate lily

Thumbnail by Kelli
Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Happy Birthday Adina and Ric!!!
I was on a business trip.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Just took my mobile phone to convert tems. It's 26F. I took the pic between Moscow and SPb. just a mere several hours ago. Well, enjoy the latest visual news from the other side of the world on DG!!! More coming soon... ;-)

Thumbnail by KashtanGeorge
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi Y'all!

I've gotten several days behind here. Trying to catch up. :)
So, I'll just say hello and report it's 68F and breezy.

Spring is definitely here, as are the "March winds".


Thumbnail by DebinSC
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, Kelli, use insect repellant. but don't give up on your hiking trips... what would i do without your pictures? chocolate lily, just plain lovely, and makes me hungry too!

Here is Orion to make you laugh. There were a couple of nice days last week, where Mom & Pops worked and he got to watch and play in his pen...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I can't restrain tears. There's something behind it...
Tamara..., bless Texas!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thank you. he is quite the character. DH and i joke that we met in "the middle", Texas. he is a Yankee and i am from the West...

He sure does like the wide open blue skies, and loves watching those silly birds...

now, lets see some more of that snow George! we didn't get enough here this year...

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Kelli, love your 'chocolate lily'. Deb, I'm glad to hear from you and that you are safe. Was thinking about you on Saturday. We had a late winter day here. Rain and snow showers this AM, later on windy and cold in the 40's. BUT - the sun is getting stronger and the crocus have four buds but it was too cold for them to open.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Se_eds: Thanks. We had tornado warnings for several hours, but as it turned out, we were fortunate, especially compared to our neighbors in GA and other parts of SC. I had to pick up some pine branches today, that was it.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I owe you some snow.Here it is...

Thumbnail by KashtanGeorge
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

About time you got some snow over there juri!!

I can't post a full weather report right now. I just installed a new printer and it has taken over my copy and paste thing. Will have to work on that tomorrow.

Right now it's 37* and cloudy. There is some rain up north but none near here.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the Birthday Greeting George!

I'm playing w/ my new Photoshop CS so my 'puter is runnning REAAAALLLL slow.
Memory Upgrade needed for SURE!



KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My computer is running fast but acting up in places. Just can't win on here. lol

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

awwww, i love that beuatiful white fluffy stuff! we haven't had enough to build a snowman this year!

how about our standard crested polish. i think they are actaully from Belgium LOL

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i can't help myself. gotta post this.

poor little roo, 4 weeks old and having an identity crisis! told he was a Black Australorp female when he came out of the hatcher. turns out he is a MALE sex link [cross-breed]... looks as though he and his 17 brothers are headed for the frying pan. what a sad life... why, oh why, was he ever hatched???

hmmm, if he could just find a way to cover these stripes, then fake laying some eggs, maybe he oculd live in the hen house under cover, or on scholarship?

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I have ever fond memories of my DGM so calmly walking up behind sunday dinner on 2 legs and just take a coat hanger and whop that roosters neck and swing them around. Then straight into a big boiling pot.
The feathers were removed and the chicken carefully cleaned.
She was one awesome woman.
Weather mild with lows in the 50s.
Juri, that snow is so powdery, great for skiing.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Traditional Gaelic Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Good Morning everyone! We had the most gorgeous weekend. I repotted a bunch of plants and potted the new ones. I got a lot done in the yard and even squeezed in some "tan time"! I saw the first Monarch of the season yesterday. So beautiful! I'm glad y'all have enjoyed the car show pics. I have a couple more and will get them posted this week. We also had some beautiful sunrises and sunsets, but I didn’t get many pics! I’m normally a major earlybird, yet I managed to sleep in 2 extra hours on Saturday LOL! Felt good, but then like a bum! Should have been at the beach taking pictures LOL!

I've missed so much these last couple of days. I am so sorry to hear of the damage/loss in the Atlanta area. It's so hard to plan for tornados - you never know when or where they are going to hit. We had some very high winds late Saturday afternoon into the evening from the same system that hit Atlanta. No rain.

62.2 °F / 16 °C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 50%
Dew Point: 43 °F / 6 °C
Wind: 1.0 mph / 1 km/hfrom the East
Wind Gust: 4.5 mph / 7 km/h
Pressure: 30.30 in / 1026.0 hPa(Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Few 25000 ft / 7620 m
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 20 ft / 6 m

Partly cloudy and breezy. High 68. East winds 15 to 20 mph.

Saturday we got to 81* (a little warm for this time of year) yesterday mid 70's - today 68*?! No complaints. We're having our sunrise Easter Sunday service at Peter's Point Beach (we this every year). It's always so pretty. I'll take pictures. Sunset Saturday night. I looked outside and told DH "We're missing a beautiful sunset". It would have been over by the time we got to the Marina.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2008 5:49 AM

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Isn't he lovely?

Thumbnail by MySharona
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Beannachtai na Feile Padraig!
A Happy and Sober St. Padraig's Day, Friends !

Sidney you ought to make up a Chicken Snatcher based on that Coat Hanger.
Wire Jig..... Wooden Handle......

34° (Wind Chill 29°) and GREY!
We should be seeing the Sun and 55° later though.
65° Tomorrow.... when of course I'll be back at!

Kelli that Fritilaria is Beautiful!


(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the well wishes Kelli and Tamara :-)

So it's St. Patrick's day today? Happy St. Patrick's then to all of you who celebrate it! :-)

It's overcast today, light drizzle of rain at the moment, calm and 44°F. Not bad at all :-) I'm still stuck inside so I'm very relieved I'm not missing yet another sunny day! lol

Sharon - beautiful sunset (?) and the Cardinal is pretty - so is the birdbath :-)

Kelli - the chocolate lily is beautiful. Too bad about the tick ..... yuck, yuck, yuck .....

tamara - I enjoy your photos. Orion is precious :-)

Here's a poultry photo from me ;-) Not mine - it's taken at the farm animal "zoo" in Reykjavik last Monday. It's the only "zoo" here and the most exotic animals are the 3 wild mammals that live here - Reindeer, arctic fox and seals. Still the girls love going there ;-)

Have a great day!


Thumbnail by rannveig
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! :-) We had an actor named Roger Nelson come to our church last night and give a presentation based on Patrick's Confessions. He was really good, and it was fun to hear about who Patrick really was (eg, there were never any snakes in Ireland. LOL)

Welcome back, Rannveig. I sure hope you are feeling better soon!

Tamara, Orion is adorable. :-) I like the chicken pictures, too. One of my favorite parts of going to the state fair in Ohio was going through the poultry buildings and seeing all the different kinds of chickens. I suppose they probably had them at the Livestock show, too, but it is SOOO big, we never found them. Too bad... The chickens they had in the "Agriventure Tour" for all of the city kids to see were Joy's favorite animals. They had a big (probably 20 feet by 8 feet) cage with all sorts of different grown hens in it. They also had 2 long tables with feeding stations and heat lamps and dozens of baby chicks, and two more tables with hatching eggs. We got to see a couple of chicks hatch, which was very very fun.

Sharon, I know very little about cars, but I've been really enjoying looking at the ones in your pictures. The cardinal is lovely.

Welcome back to you, too, George! I love seeing your pictures of Russia. :-)

Kelli, ewwwww..... I hate ticks. :-( When we lived in Wisconsin, they were a daily occurrence in the summer and I hated every one of them. I much prefer Houston's year-round mosquitoes! I hope you don't suffer any after-effects. Keep an eye out for signs of Lyme disease.

I've decided I need to lose weight and this is the... umm...: procedure I want to use:

It was a beautiful, if windy, weekend here. My arms and face were sunburned on Saturday - I have gotten out of the sunblock habit, obviously. I need to put the bottle of it next to the garden tools! It got a lot done, though, which was great. Today the high is going to be "around 80" with a 20-30% chance of rain and a wind advisory. The little bunny is on spring break this week, so we're all playing today. :-)

Observation for Houston, TX (KSGR) as of 9:53am CDT (61 min ago)
Temperature 74 °F 23 °C
Dew Point 68 °F 20 °C
Humidity 81%
Pressure 29.93 in 1013.5 mb
Wind Speed 21 MPH
G 31 18 kts
G 27
Wind Dir SSE 160°
Ceiling 1500 ft 457 m
Visibility 10 mi 16.1 km
Heat Index 78 °F 26 °C
Current Conditions Cloudy
Peak Wind: 30 kts from 150 (13:55 GMT).
0.03" of precipitation last hour.
6 hour min temperature ending 6:53am CDT : 69.1°F / 20.6°C
3 hour precipitation ending 9:53am CDT : 0.03"

Most of the pictures I took at the Livestock show didn't turn out very well, but this one was ok. :-)

Thumbnail by Marylyn_TX
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i love that assortment of hens! one has sense enough to switch feet on the cold ice...

beautiful sunset, and i love the tree as much as the cardinal!

yes, happy St Patrick's Day! When the boys saw i was wearing my green bracelet, they went up can changed into green clothes!

Sidney, do we need to name a chicken after your DGM? I will be needing more chicken names!

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

TF: just how many chickens and/or roosters do you have altogether? Orion is precious--too pretty to be a boy!
Sidney, I too, as a child, remember our next door neighbor wringing some poor chicken's neck every Saturday for the Sunday noon meal. Then the poor headless chicken would flop around their back yard until it decided that it was dead. That always amazed me but, oddly enough, it never turned me against eating fried chicken! LOL
Deb: beautiful flower but it looks as if some little varmint has been chewing on it!
Kelli: love the chocolate lily. good thing you don't live in Arkansas--ticks are the norm around here and you don't dare go walking in the woods without tick repellant!
George: it certainly doesn't look like you are experiencing any part of Spring just yet.
Sharon: thanks for the blessing--I would love for the sun to be shining on my face right about now. Pretty sunset and cardinal, too!
Pepper: hope you get your computer woking the way you want it to.
You, too, Ric!
Rann: so sorry you have been ill. I guess the flu made its way over to Iceland, too!

Today we are expecting a high of 71º but I will be surprised if it makes up that high. Currently it is 57º and overcast. Rain and thunderstorms expected tonight and tomorrow. :o(( with winds out of the SE at 10--20.

Sunset a couple of days ago

Thumbnail by marsue
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Marylyn, typically poultry and livestock are considered separate. But that display is awesome! my kids saw several hatches at youtube, so they wouldn't be disappointed when they coudln't see ours hatch!

another favorite bantam chick. partirdge colored with fully feathered feet...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Marylyn and TF: we cross-posted.
Marylyn: that is one hilarious way to lose weight and oh, so easy! LOL (Let me know if it works!) You and the bunnies have a good time during spring break this week!
TF: another precious picture of Orion! You could name one of your chickens after my neighbor (the one that wrung their necks): Her name was Nola. Her husband's name was Zeke and one of their sons was Bobby (I can't remember the other son's name).

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Nola, folks will think i named it after New Orleans, Louisiana LOL. i will add it to the names list! Zeke is a great rooster name. Gorgeous sunset, marsue. Love the landscape too!

Meant to mention, Marylyn, since dieting goes better with accountability partners, I'll sign up too!

here are the other two, also too pretty to be boys, getting ready to deliver their Valentine's... special ones LOL

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOLOLOL That's a great picture, Tamara!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kelli – Oooh, so sorry to hear about the tick. Yuck..
Rann- Thanks! I hope you feel better very soon. The chickens are so pretty! I can hear them “It’s 3 to 2 – I think we can take them”!! That was a sunset…we really missed a pretty one… : (
Marylyn – OMG – I’m cracking up! I got a little bit of a burn too yesterday…not too much, just felt a little warm on the back of my arms. Even with an SPF of 45…it’s tough being fair skinned LOL!
TF – He’s a cutie pie!
Marylyn – We’re almost at the 72* mark now….Wooo Hooo!!

71.8 °F / 22.1 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 37%
Dew Point: 44 °F / 7 °C
Wind: 4.0 mph / 6.4 km/h / 1.8 m/s from the ENE
Wind Gust: 9.6 mph / 15.4 km/h / 10.8 m/s
Pressure: 30.39 in / 1029.0 hPa (Rising)
Heat Index: 77 °F / 25 °C
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 8 out of 16
Clouds: Few 4300 ft / 1310 m
Scattered Clouds 25000 ft / 7620 m
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 20 ft / 6 m

TF - We crossed - great picture!

Umm - Had kind of a rough start to the day today. I work for a property management company. I found early on this morning that one of our tenants commited suicide last week - no names - but if y'all would keep "his family and us" in your prayers I'd greatly appreciate it.

Supper time at the Marina - taken on the 9th

This message was edited Mar 17, 2008 12:52 PM

Thumbnail by MySharona

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