Restoration of Sendak Costumes

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

So, I worked extra hard and finished the restoration of the Sendak costumes. I'll let you know for sure where the exhibit will be next. It toured Canada last year. I design and make the costumes and then repair and replace as needed. The exhibit, sponsored by the Bremen Jewish Heritage Museum, is in it's eighth year on tour. Maurice Sendak, now in his 70's, is a brilliant and much loved childrens' author and, coincidentally Jewish! Actually the son of Holocaust survivors, thus all the monsters. The exhibit is interactive and experiential. Kids dress up in costumes and then slide into a bowl of "chicken soup" (a bowl of styrofoam rice, rubber chickens and my carrots) which are in the following post. The exhibit features "Where The Wild things Are", "In The Night Kitchen" and other Sendak stories. The monster costumes are from 'Wild Things' and the white costume on the left which (a plush pane' with big buttons) is Mickey's PJs from " In The Night Kitchen".

Gourd, re: quilting...Doesn't everyone? Have evolved through the years to only hand work. I'm working on a lap quilt of Southern old-fashioneds. Turned needle applique and hand quilting. I'm very torn between this love and my study of Nuido; traditional Japanese silk embroidery. My Japanese teachers are not happy when I do other kinds of needle work. I like the discipline of Nuido, but like to bring it into other needle arts.

Grief, I'm looking at the preview and don't see a photo upload option as soon as I figure this out I'll upload.

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