Hoping my Mexican Marigold will return

Eureka, CA

I bought these last spring http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/54284 I had 2 in containers and 2 directly planted into a bed. I absolutely loved them! I loved walking by them on the path, touching them lightly and smelling the (to me) wonderful aroma. Well, after they started looking ratty in the winter, I pruned them back, leaving about 9 inches of woody growth. So far I see no sign of life. Well, I know it's only mid-March, but there are a few things poking out in my climate. I'm certainly hoping this will come back. Anyone have any experience? I did read the plant file info, so I'm hopeful. I'm just not sure about my pruning.



Wichita Falls, TX(Zone 7a)


I am in Zone 7 (North Texas) and prunned mine back in January. I probably left about 6". I am seeing some new growth down at the very bottom, just barely poking it's head out of the mulch. This is my first year to have this plant in the current, sunny location. I previously had it in the shade and it didn't bloom much. It does come back every year for me!


Wichita Falls, TX(Zone 7a)

I fogot to add a picture of mine. I love the smell, too, but DH hates it! I will be staking mine this year as it got to floppy last season!


Thumbnail by earthtiller
Eureka, CA

Thanks for the encouragement, Necia. Perhaps a few more warmer, longer days and I'll see some! That picture is gorgeous. Mine didn't flop too much, but it sure got bigger than I expected! I guess too the smell is "either you like it or you don't". Some people can't stand the smell of Cleome, but I love it! And the smell of Lantana takes me back to being a kid because my dad grew it. Ah, smells and memories.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I have one planted in my garden and it still looks like a bunch of dead sticks, so I'd give yours a bit more time. I haven't gotten down on the ground to see if there's little tiny buds or anything, but there's definitely no obvious growth when I look at it.

Eureka, CA

I don't feel so bad then! I may need to "pot up" the ones in containers..... but I'll let you know when I see signs of life.


Eureka, CA

Another week, nothing yet.... pant, pant, pant.

Hey Necia, pardon my lack of knowledge here.... what is HTH? Heart to heart, have the hope, hang the hat, here's to health, hang the heron, help the honeybees.... hit the host.... (just kidding with these, but I AM curious)


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would guess "hope that helps"

I'll go check mine later when I'm out in the garden and let you know if I see any signs of life yet...

Eureka, CA

Aahhh!! Didn't think of that one! ;o)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

OK, just checked mine and I can definitely see that the stems around the base of the plant are greenish so I know it's still alive, but there's no sign of leaf buds or new growth of any sort yet. I just planted it this fall though so it may be a little slower to come back in the spring than something that was established better.

Eureka, CA

Thanks ecrane.... I know you're warmer than I am. I too just checked, and yes, the stems at least appear to be "alive". Thank you!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I had it in a pot last winter, and I remember that it came back so slowly that I had almost given it up for dead. This year with it being in the garden I was hoping it might resurrect itself a little more quickly!

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