Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Are fire ants attracked to cow droppings or other animal droppings? I just purchased 5 acres in the Houston area and there are quite a few fire ant mounds that I will be on the war path with. A neighbor wants me to lease him part of the acreage for his cows so you can see why I'm asking this question.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I don't think cow pattys attract them in particular .. it's just a fact we are invaded with fireants all over. Don't waste money on that expensive "put it down and it will keep them away for a year stuff" .. it hasn't worked for anyone that I know of who has tried it.

My best results for getting rid of them is going out every few days with a bag of spectricide ant killer and sprinkling it on and around the mounds then watering it in. You have to keep this up for a few weeks because they will move house and start over again. By keeping up with the new mounds, you eventually kill them off.


Somebody said to pour Clorox down the main hole, just some.

Fire ants are like gravity, hard to fight.

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

X, As I said I will be on the war path!!! Your advise brings hope to me. I will definately do as you advised with diligence. And thanks also to molamola. I'm a clorox kind of gal. So maybe the cows will be fine.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Fancyflea ~ if you are leasing the land for grazing, perhaps you could make fireant control as requisite of the lease agreement?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

By doing my every few days walk abouts around my yard last year, I have only found 1 mound this year and it wasn't even a mound yet. The key is to stay on top of them.


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