S.E. Asian seed sources

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

Hi all, yes even though i show pacific northwest 7b) as home address i have a property with my wife in Davao Del Sur Philippines. My mother in law is an avid gardener and i would really enjoy setting her up on our property with a proper greenhouse as well sourcing things like hibiscus and plumeria cuttings. Ideally they would be within the Philippines to avoid import hassles, any information would be greatly appreciated. As well, good solid contacts for seeds would be greatly appreciated too

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Wish I could help but ... not a clue. There IS a huge market in Manilla, however, called Estas or Estes or Estos...lots of vendors and in the main building they sell seeds...LOTS of them.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We have seen this question before by others, but so far no one has found anything really dependable to post. If you find one, please be sure to post it here or in the Garden Watchdog. Thanks! and good luck!

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

Hi, thanks for the replies.
Yep its hard to source in S.E.Asia as it is, Philippines seems to be more designed towards exporting orchids than anything. Reason i am looking so dilligently is i want to get some cuttings of plumeria and hibiscus and was hoping to avoid phytosanctuary certificates and paperwork a mile long. Its suprisingly difficult to find domestic growers with a web presence as Filipinos in general love gardening, even the smallest plot of land will at the very least have a few pots of bougainvillea growing away. My wife and i are beginning landscaping our retirement property and we happen to be next to a resort,..which also happens to be owned by the mayors brother ! So naturally we are under pressure to make it as beautiful as we can so that peace is kept over the neighborly fence * grins*

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Perhaps your best bet would be to let your new neighbors know that you are looking for plants for the landscaping...they and their friends would probably be happy to give "donations" to the project.

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

Hi Shari , already have been doing that its just a case of looking for more exotic fare than locally available i guess. Its very hit and miss beyond the typical bougainvillea fare. Luck would have it someone imported some red jade vines from malaysia via manilla and had them for sale ! However, when i asked where they got them from the typical " dont know" was all i got for a contact number hehe.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

SolarBear!!!! Red jade vines!!! Wowzers! So how many did you get? Lucky, lucky you!!! I know it is hard to wait for things to grow from cuttings and such like, but if you post what you are looking for here, people will be able to let you know if they have cuttings or seeds...I have some things...caesalpinia seeds, Ti cuttings....let us know.

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

Hi Shari, hopefully one day the jade will get seeds. If so i will get some for those wanting them. It sad that the vine is so hard to get seeds for as its really quite beautiful and not so fussy. I got the one that was available, had they had more i would have bought all, hehe. Not common to find that vine anywhere, not even for seed! :(

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

HI...The red jade (Mucuna benettii...spelling?) is pollinated by bats and seeds are very hard to get as few environments have the right bats!!! Cuttings I ahve taken have been about 50% successful (September)....congratulations on your beautiful vine. Here is mine in bloom...as I write....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

How long do the blooms last on the "red jade" Carol?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hi Jen...a fairly long time...say...a week or longer. Part of that is illusion...HAHAHA. It is a long racime, which begins opening slowly....when all are open for a day or so, they begin to wither and fall off....from the end that started first, so it gives the impression of being there forEVER.

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

Wow Shari, i cant wait to see picts of the one one when it blooms sometime ( fingers crossed) . I am assuming that the bats will find it as its in the general neck of the woods as the native area of the vine. I sure wouldnt want to try to hand pollinate as climbing up the big tree its in love with would give me altitude sickness !. They are truly impressive vines, hopefully the green jade decides to have a growth spurt and join its cousin soon. Wow if you ever get seeds from yours that are viable i bet you will have a stampede of people to your door offering trades hehehe.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

SolarBear - silly - it is Carol (AlohaHoya) that has that gorgeous vine! I can barely dream of having one!

Maple Ridge, BC(Zone 7b)

My bad, hehe i cant multi task ( chew gum,drink tea,type and think at same time ,hehe) Nice Jade Carol !

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

'scool...I have that problem too...especially after hangin out at RJ's Tiki Bar in the other thread...come on over, we are in "Need company".

Davao, Philippines

Try looking for East West Seeds and Ramgo seeds on the web

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Since this discussion, I have bought seeds from KITAZAWA SEED COMPANY . They are located in California, offer lots of Asian Vegetables and are super folks to deal with....!!!!! www.kitazawaseed.com

mulege, Mexico

You could go on eBay and look for growers who are in your area. I have seen sellers from Manilla. Search for tropical plants then look at where the seller is located.


Google Puentespina Orchids. They offer orchids and many other ornamental plants. They have sales offices in Manila and also right there in Davao where I believe their main farm is located.

Davao, Philippines

Quote from SolarBear :
Hi, thanks for the replies.
Yep its hard to source in S.E.Asia as it is, Philippines seems to be more designed towards exporting orchids than anything. Reason i am looking so dilligently is i want to get some cuttings of plumeria and hibiscus

There are plenty of Plumeria (Frangipani) around and I intend to try some cuttings soon.

I recently started collecting as many different Hibiscus as I can find. I am also in Davao so maybe we can swap some cuttings.

Seremban, Malaysia, Malaysia

A new question! Can a blue hibiscus grow in Malaysia? If so, how can I get the seeds and how should I plant them. I regret to say that I am NOT an expert gardener!

Pasig City, Philippines

Hi Solar Bear!

If you or your mother-in-law happen to be in Manila, I could bring you to the Manila Seedling Bank along EDSA, where many local as well as imported seedlings can be bought. Modesty aside, I could also bring you to my rest house on a mountain slope in Talisay, Batangas , (called the seedling capital of the Phils) ., as well as a property in Tagaytay where you could do your own cuttings from many exotic plants sourced locally and abroad. Plumerias of different flowering colors as well as hibiscus, also with different flowering colors, abound in the country and I do have several of them. I also have rangoon creepers, new guinea Creepers, passion vines, yellow bell vines, different colors of morning glory vines, flowering trees and many more , the scientific names of which I still have to learn. I have not done serious propagation efforts but you could have cuttings and/or seedlings for free. I don't sell plants but I am just an avid gardener.

If interested, do get in touch when you're in town.

Virginia Beach, VA

Very nice offer to you Solar Bear!!!. I have 40 plumerias and my latest ones are grafted from Thailand.

We have a friend who has a house in Cannon Roads==Tagaytay. They are retired military and opted to retire there but kept their big house here in Virginia Beach. I like her house because it has all the comforts of US homes. Also their hired help is awesome. I always read your posts and enjoy your different tropicals.


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