
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

My Tango has three scapes going and all are very close in height. This is an established bulb I planted about a year ago.

It looks very similar to La Paz...

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Here's my La Paz last year.

I didn't measure La Paz's size, but Tango is 6" L x 4.5 W and has four blooms in the umbel.

I'm really questioning this one.

Thumbnail by raydio
Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

The descriptions Veronica provides in her book do not clearly point out to principal differences between both cultivars. According to the descriptions they produce 4-6 cherry red and lime green (La Paz) and pale green (Tango) blooms "'La Paz shows similarities in coloring and shape to 'Tango'" - But, after all she attributes "frilly edged" blooms only to... TANGO.
Both cybister hybrids were generated by Fred Meyer, and I wonder if he would have released such similar looking cultivars. I tend not to believe in two different hybrids.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

According to Read, Tango is slightly larger, but my flower is much larger than both.

One thing that is different:

I had to take 'Tango' out of storage weeks ago because it was putting up scapes, while La Paz wasn't. I took La Paz out of storage this past weekend since it is now starting to put up scapes. If both these were the same plant, I wouldn't expect there to be such a difference in breaking dormancy.

Also, Tango has a few 3" leaves up and I don't recall La Paz putting any up until after blooming had finished. Two offsets on La Paz are showing foliage tips. I'll be watching to see what the motherbulb does. Tango put up the foliage after the scapes were well up.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

For some reason, Read skimps on info re: La Paz.

But she includes a pic of 'Tango' which shows a very different look, at least in this pic. It makes the difference between La Paz and Tango clear and makes it seem more reasonable to say that La Paz is similar to Lima, and leave Tango out of it.

Tango, in Read's pic, has thinner tepals and the side tepals curve inwardly toward the central axis. Those of my La Paz from last year and in Tango(?) this year, flair outwardly and a bit to the back, and the tepals are wider.

"Pale green" vs "lime green"... isn't lime flesh pale green?? :-) Her pic is backlit and makes the stripe look quite yellow. O well.


Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

The special look in Plate 6-17 was generated by sun light shining-thru.
It would certainly have the same effect on a flower of "La Paz"... I... ummh... predict *LOL*

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Thank you Robert
What cultivar would you vote for from the following pictures:

Thumbnail by haweha
Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Another point of view...

Thumbnail by haweha
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Are they the same plant?

The first pic makes me think 'Tango' and the second 'La Paz', LOL.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The second scape is showing the "inward" curve of the lower pair of tepals.

I've pollinated all blooms with various pollens to see if this plant will set seeds. La Paz is know for being difficult if not impossible to get to set seed.

Thumbnail by raydio
Mobile, AL


I had good luck getting LaPaz to set seed as well as pollinating others.

I have the following seedlings growing from last years seeds:

LaPaz X Ruby Meyer
LaPas X Supreme Garden
LaPaz X Misty

Misty X LaPaz
Exotic Star X LaPaz

Somewhere, I have a picture of the pods. I will try to find it!

So, don't give up!


Mobile, AL


I finally found the pics. They were weird looking pods.

Thumbnail by HSteacher
Mobile, AL

Really weird...

Another pic (taken earlier)!

Thumbnail by HSteacher
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, obviously LP's reputation isn't well-deserved! You've clearly had great success with yours.

I've seen those same angular pods on Exotic Star. On a current scape, one pod has flattish lobes as in your pix, but the other, while still as deeply lobed, has "bulgy" rounded lobes. Each pod has a different pollinator. I'm worried that the flattish pod will be full of those icky dud seeds...

And that's another odd thing isn't it? The way the pods are shaped differently depending on pollinator. On my papilio, one pod is bigger at the top while another (on the same scape) is wider at the bottom.


Mobile, AL


Raydio, Those are indeed funky looking pods, and I wondered myself if they would produce viable seed, but I promise you that they did. The seedlings are growing.

The pods looked almost hollow, but when I harvested them, they were good looking seeds. And the best part is that they did germinate

If I remember correctly, the La Plaz X Ruby Meyer produced really tiny seeds compared to most, but I promise that they did germinate, and they are growing!

Unfortunately, it is going to be at least one more year and most likely two before you see blooms from these babies.

Please do not consider La Paz as hopeless.

I thought that Sumatra was hopeless, but I once again have hope because I finally see pods. Why? I am not sure...


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


La Paz's bad rep might be from people who just didn't use compatible pollens or there were other issues involved. Seems like there are more stories of failures than successes.

But- with your list of good pollinators, we'll no doubt see more positive reports and quash the negative rap.

My La Paz will be blooming soon and I'll see what happens with it.

I was thinking that if Tango proved a good pod parent, it might help determine if it is indeed a different hybrid from La Paz.

I'm trying to keep my breedings to a minimum, but things like this just keep popping up. O well.

I'm still waitng for the pods on Exotic Star to ripen. Another cv that is said to be pod-sterile. The pollen is good though.


Mobile, AL


Who is telling you this 'pod sterile' stuff?

I have one year old seedlings of Exotic Star X La Paz, Exotic Star X Misty and Exotic Star X Ruby Meyer.

Exotic Star is definitely Pod Happy!


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

No one has told me this directly. That's what I'm reading in various plant forums.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

So what's the story on your pix, haweha?


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